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About krystianeczzek

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  1. @achylek summon
  2. We ll see, if any 1 have ofers feel free to pm me skype ;)
  3. Thats a good post, totally worth it to create new account just to post some shit Kappa
  4. Thanks broski, will try to edit it, even tho i have almost no fucking idea about programming xD
  5. Oh okay then, and how about the farm scripts which are too complicated for me to make on my own? I tried to find some stuff but i failed
  6. Well im actually trying to, but all we re talking about are SCRIPTS to farm automaticaly and avoid CAPTCHA. Thats what most of us, beginner botters need. Scripts similiar to ones u use on gem dragons ^^
  7. Here is the russian site where they share some things: *deleted* Good luck with their language, even google chrome cant translate properly xD I guess russian community is way better than the rest of international players. :/
  8. Ah he meant server admin. yeah like on tales gm doin nothing with bots and taking cash from donating? Its not really a barrier :)
  9. What do u mean by "fix it"? Im not really deep into this community yet.
  10. I can understand ppls who dont want to share their scripts, coz it taken a lot of their work to write it. But yeah, would be nice if sometimes someone would share some of their staff For example Achylek, the bottin machine ^
  11. @alex87gr yup, buy them b4 start bot so it ll make life easier. @mojzesz123 i used it to make chars for academy, its slow but it works, and not rly useles if u need some boxes for freya hard etc
  12. http://ctrlv.it/id/1981/3643627505 script for leveling sh 1-80 http://www.speedyshare.com/cVsFT/Settings.rar profile settings for adrenaline, no problemo PS> script is not mine, just sharing, hf
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