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Everything posted by ScRaB4ever

  1. Hello community! I wanted to add anti feed for my interlude project but all the shares i found was about that when the fight is started, it checkes the ips of players and if ips are the same, the fight result was tie! So the new code... First, checks all the olympiad participant ips Then, matches the participants so all the fights have different ips (no dual boxes) Finaly, if all the participants have the same ip, the current round of fighting is passed and the participation list is cleared otherwhise the olympiad fights begin (only for the players that could be matched)! The code is tested at Interlude project. Let me know if any bugs are found.... All credits go to me! The patch must be added @ gameserver/olympiad.java _type = type; _stadiumPort = stadiumPort; _spectators = new FastList<L2PcInstance>(); if (list != null) { _players = list; _playerOne = list.get(0); _playerTwo = list.get(1); + String playerOneIp = _playerOne.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); + String playerTwoIp = _playerTwo.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); + + int i=1; + int playerCount = list.size(); + while (playerCount > (i+1) && !(Config.ALT_OLY_SAME_IP) && playerOneIp.equals(playerTwoIp)) + { + i++; + _playerTwo = list.get(i); + playerTwoIp = _playerTwo.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); + } + + if(!playerOneIp.equals(playerTwoIp) || (Config.ALT_OLY_SAME_IP)) + { try { _playerOneName = _playerOne.getName(); _playerTwoName = _playerTwo.getName(); _playerOne.setOlympiadGameId(id); _playerTwo.setOlympiadGameId(id); _playerOneID = _playerOne.getObjectId(); _playerTwoID = _playerTwo.getObjectId(); } catch (Exception e) { _aborted = true; clearPlayers(); } _log.info("Olympiad System: Game - " + id + ": " + _playerOne.getName() + " Vs " + _playerTwo.getName()); + } + else + { + _aborted = true; + _compStarted = false; + clearPlayers(); + _log.info("All olympiad participants are bots!"); + return; + } } else { _aborted = true; clearPlayers(); return; } } protected void removals() { if (_aborted) return; @config.java public static boolean LOG_CHAT; /** Logging Item Window */ public static boolean LOG_ITEMS; /** Refresh Skills on Olympiad enter */ public static boolean REFRESH_SKILLS_ON_OLYMPIAD_ENTER; + /** Olympiad Allow Botting */ + public static boolean ALT_OLY_SAME_IP; ALT_CREATE_ALLY_DAYS_WHEN_DISSOLVED = Integer.parseInt(altSettings.getProperty("DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved", "10")); REFRESH_SKILLS_ON_OLYMPIAD_ENTER = Boolean.parseBoolean(altSettings.getProperty("AltRefreshSkillsOnOlyEnter", "true")); + ALT_OLY_SAME_IP = Boolean.parseBoolean(altSettings.getProperty("AltOlySameIp", "true"));
  2. ρε παιδια θα με τρελανετε το chance ειναι η πιθανοτητα που εχει κατι να απεσει παραδειγμα εαν εχω βαλει ειναι item με minimum drop 10 και minimum drop 20 ΚΑΙ πιθανοτητα 500000 εχω βαλει item drop rate x10 (στα config του server) τοτε θα μου πεταξει απο 100 μεχρι 200 items του ιδιου τυπου με πιθανοτητα 50%... Απαντηστε Μονο εαν το δοκιμασετε μονοι σας....
  3. thanks for your reply! i have already tried... but nothing! btw why is this attitude?
  4. is there any link that you might have? cause ive searched in l2jserver.com l2jfree.com maxcheaters and i found nothing... bump
  5. <skill id="445" levels="1" name="Mirage"> <set name="mpConsume" val="43"/> <set name="magicLevel" val="79"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="isMagic" val="false"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="450000"/> <set name="hitTime" val="1000"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <set name="triggeredId" val="5144"/> <set name="triggeredLevel" val="1"/> <cond msg="An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill."> <using kind="Dagger"/> </cond> <for> <effect count="1" name="BestowSkill" time="60" val="0"/> </for> </skill> and <skill id="5144" levels="1" name="Mirage"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_CHANCE"/> <set name="chanceType" val="ON_ATTACKED"/> <set name="activationChance" val="70"/> <for> <effect count="1" name="RemoveTarget" time="1" val="0"/> </for> </skill>
  6. Hello community! i have added in my server this patch: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133305.0 witch is for L2jTeon Ive managed to add the patch with no errors, but the skill is still not working! could someone give me the full patch about mirage skill? Im using l2j Interlude client Thanks in advance!
  7. i have no pms dude, if you are interested please pm again!
  8. bump = bring up my post right?
  9. Well i totally 100% agree with you, but im trying to be nice (im opened minded) If someone can reply with facts, i accept it If they reply like its sh*cks, trash, all shared i just dont care about why they say! 2 ppl have already asked about my pack since its pretty much "stable" and they have difficulties with appling patches.... So THUMBS UP for your attitude!
  10. Do you think that this is the method i use or the method you wrote will actually work?? What is millisecondsWhenGotVipStatus??? Its all about the date not the time the date at db is kind of 2013-06-20 and in java its like 201306201140322500 (time stamp) also the check has to do with account, char name, date, hero, skills, enchantment, augment and so on... Think before posting plese, its a wts not a spam topic. If you want to ask about my coding and not what the code does, do it by pm!
  11. Well skills stuck when you chance class and still learning skills (by leveling up or changing subclass). With this code if you are still learning skills (still in the learning proccess) you can not chance subclass
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