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About perrofunk

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  1. Hi. I'm trying to make a script for auto frenzy. It's useful for instances and 7rb. const frenzy = 176; var buff: TL2Buff; skill: tl2skill; begin while delay(500) do begin if skilllist.byid(frenzy,skill) and (skill.endtime = 0) and not User.buffs.byid(frenzy,buff) then begin Engine.Facecontrol(0, false); delay(100); Engine.useitem(6314); // homu conversion delay(500); Engine.useitem(4745); // yaksa mace health delay(500); Engine.Useskill(176); //frenzy delay(1000); Engine.Useitem(9443); //my weapon delay(100); Engine.Facecontrol(0, true); end; end; end. Here's the problem. Even if the skill.endtime is not = 0 starts to do the stuff. It tries to use the weapons and frenzy.
  2. var item: TL2Item; begin if inventory.user.byid(11259, item) and not (Item.Equipped) then begin Delay(500); Engine.UseItem(11259); Delay(800); end; end. I need that this script be a kind a of a "loop". I mean, check the weapon again and again
  3. Hello! I'm trying to make a script just to use the alt+b gatekeeper. begin Engine.BypassToserver('_bbshome'); delay(100); Engine.BypassToserver('_bbsgetfav'); delay(100); Engine.BypassToserver('_bbsgatekeeper'); delay(100); Engine.BypassToserver('_bbsgatekeeper_Goddard.htm'); delay(100); end. That's what I've got. But when I try to go to Ketra, I can't find the value of the button to go. With WinHex, all I can find is this. But I cannot translate it to the script. Can someone help me?
  4. Hey, is there a way to save community dialogs? Dialog viewer doesn't work in l2redemption.
  5. Dialog viewer isn't working at l2-redemption. Does anyone know a way to make it work??
  6. Hi, I got this script. When my character is dead, I press play it goes to city and buff and then it goes back to the spot. But I need that the script check and re-check if my character is dead (I mean, if it is alive continue checking, not to stop the script) and... is there a way to make a "loop" the script? begin begin if User.Dead then begin Print('Dead. Pressing to village.'); Delay(1000); Engine.FaceControl(0,false); Engine.GoHome; Delay(11000); end; end; Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbsgetfav'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbsbuffer'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbsbufferbypass_cast 159 x x'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbsgetfav'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_friendlist_0_'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_dropItemsByName_ crafted leather'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_dropMonstersByItem_1894'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_dropMonstersByItem_1894_2'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_dropMonsterDetailsByItem_22643'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_dropMonsterDetailsByItem_22643_3'); Delay(1000); end.
  7. Where's the dialog viewer in adrenaline? I got a cracked version. maybe i dont have it
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