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  1. buenas me gustaria saver si alguien me puede ayudar con esto que ya estoy desesperado. el problema en con el vote rewared a continuacion pongo mis datos del server a ver si es por alguna razon que no me de los votos. en el config. vote reware. good I would like saver if anyone can help me with this I'm desperate. The problem with the vote rewared below put my data server to see if it is for some reason I was not of the vote. in the config. reware vote. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This system is not unique in the world of Lineage, use at your own risk! # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# ########################################### # Vote System # ########################################### # Enable vote system? EnableVoteSystem = true # VoteGlobal EnableVoteGlobal = true # Activa/Desactiva el sistema de votos en L2jBrasil # Necesita que EnableVoteSystem este activado VoteSystemBrasil = false # Activa/Desactiva el sistema de votos en Hopzone # Necesita que EnableVoteSystem este activado VoteSystemHopzone = True # Activa/Desactiva el sistema de votos en Topzone # Necesita que EnableVoteSystem este activado VoteSystemTopzone = True # Activa/Desactiva el sistema de votos en TopAdminsPro # Necesita que EnableVoteSystem este activado VoteSystemAdminsPro = False # Guardar votos en la DB ? # Recomendacion true si haces Shutdown/Restart en el server. SaveVotesIntoDataBase = True # Vote Page URL. # HopZone. VoteSystemPageHopzone = [HopZone] VoteSystemPageHopzone = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/75176/L2saphira # Vote Page URL. # TopZone. VoteSystemPageTopzone = [TopZone] VoteSystemPageTopzone = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-list/top.html/ # Vote Page URL. # TopBrasil. VoteSystemPageBrasil = [TopBrasil] VoteSystemPageBrasil = http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=evans19 # TopAdminsPro. # Ejemplo: Al registrar su servidor se les dara un link similar a este: # http://hopzone.com.es/votoServerImg?i=17&s=38"> # donde podran observar el ID del servidor que en este caso es el 38, ese es el valor q deberan poner en el config # a continuacion. VoteSystemPageAdminsPro = [TopAdminsPro] # Reward players every xxx votes. VoteSystemVotes = 10 # First Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemStartCheckTime = 60 # Continue Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemRunCheckTime = 1800 ########################################### # Global # ########################################### # Anula los sistemas de votos individuales # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemId = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCount = 1000,2 ########################################### # Hopzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdHopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountHopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # Topzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdTopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountTopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopBrasil # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Brasil. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdBrasil = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Brasil. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountBrasil = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopAdminsPro # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdAdminsPro = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountAdminsPro = 1000,2 en el config vote even npc # ------------------------ # # Vote reward for Hopzone. # # ------------------------ # # Hopzone server url HopzoneUrl = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/75176/L2saphira # Vote Page URL. # TopZone. VoteSystemPageTopzone = [TopZone] VoteSystemPageTopzone = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-list/top.html/ # Vote Page URL. # TopBrasil. VoteSystemPageBrasil = [TopBrasil] VoteSystemPageBrasil = http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=evans19 # TopAdminsPro. # Ejemplo: Al registrar su servidor se les dara un link similar a este: # http://hopzone.com.es/votoServerImg?i=17&s=38"> # donde podran observar el ID del servidor que en este caso es el 38, ese es el valor q deberan poner en el config # a continuacion. VoteSystemPageAdminsPro = [TopAdminsPro] # Reward players every xxx votes. VoteSystemVotes = 10 # First Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemStartCheckTime = 60 # Continue Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemRunCheckTime = 1800 ########################################### # Global # ########################################### # Anula los sistemas de votos individuales # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemId = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCount = 1000,2 ########################################### # Hopzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdHopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountHopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # Topzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdTopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountTopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopBrasil # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Brasil. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdBrasil = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Brasil. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountBrasil = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopAdminsPro # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdAdminsPro = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountAdminsPro = 1000,2 en el config vote even npc # ------------------------ # # Vote reward for Hopzone. # # ------------------------ # # Hopzone server url HopzoneUrl = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/75176/L2saphira # Vote Page URL. # TopZone. VoteSystemPageTopzone = [TopZone] VoteSystemPageTopzone = http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-list/top.html/ # Vote Page URL. # TopBrasil. VoteSystemPageBrasil = [TopBrasil] VoteSystemPageBrasil = http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=macelord23 # http://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=evans19 # TopAdminsPro. # Ejemplo: Al registrar su servidor se les dara un link similar a este: # http://hopzone.com.es/votoServerImg?i=17&s=38"> # donde podran observar el ID del servidor que en este caso es el 38, ese es el valor q deberan poner en el config # a continuacion. VoteSystemPageAdminsPro = [TopAdminsPro] # Reward players every xxx votes. VoteSystemVotes = 10 # First Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemStartCheckTime = 60 # Continue Check delay. # In Seconds. VoteSystemRunCheckTime = 1800 ########################################### # Global # ########################################### # Anula los sistemas de votos individuales # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemId = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCount = 1000,2 ########################################### # Hopzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Hopzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdHopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Hopzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountHopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # Topzone # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdTopzone = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountTopzone = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopBrasil # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Brasil. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdBrasil = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Brasil. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountBrasil = 1000,2 ########################################### # TopAdminsPro # ########################################### # Items Rewards ID in Topzone. # Format: reward1,reward2,reward3... VoteSystemItemIdAdminsPro = 57,4037 # Count Rewards Count in Topzone. # Format: count1,count2,count3... VoteSystemItemCountAdminsPro = 1000,2 en el config vote even npc # ------------------------ # # Vote reward for Hopzone. # # ------------------------ # # Hopzone server url HopzoneUrl = # Topzone server url TopzoneUrl = http://l2topzone.com/vote.php?id=11955 # The characters will have a choice between 3 rewards.Set id for them VoteRewardId1 = 57 VoteRewardId2 = 3470 VoteRewardId3 = 4037 # Set the amount of each reward. VoteRewardAmount1 = 5000 VoteRewardAmount2 = 50 VoteRewardAmount3 = 50 # Set the seconds that the character has # until he votes in the site's banners # Default: 20 is optimal do not change higher SecondsToVote = 60 # Amount of votes a character must collect # in order to get the 4th vote reward ExtraRewVoteAm = 20 # Info of the extra reward item VoteRewardId4 = 4037 VoteRewardAmount4 = 50 java \game\data\scripts\handlers\voicedcommandhandlers voice vote reware me /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see . */ package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; public class Voiced_VoteRewardMe implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "rewardme" }; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { if(activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.getOlympiadGameId() != -1) { activeChar.sendMessage("You can't use that command inside Olympiad"); return false; } if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(Config.VOTE_ITEM_ID).getCount() >= Config.VOTE_ITEM_A) { activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("Consume", Config.VOTE_ITEM_ID, Config.VOTE_ITEM_A, activeChar, null); activeChar.sendMessage(Config.VOTE_ITEM_A + " " + Config.VOTE_ITEM_NAME + "(s) have been consumed."); MagicSkillUse mgc = new MagicSkillUse(activeChar, activeChar, Config.VOTE_BUFF_ID, Config.VOTE_BUFF_LVL, 1, 0); SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.VOTE_BUFF_ID, Config.VOTE_BUFF_LVL).getEffects(activeChar,activeChar); activeChar.broadcastPacket(mgc); activeChar.sendMessage("You have been blessed with the effects of the Vote Buff!"); } else { activeChar.sendMessage("You don't have enough " + Config.VOTE_ITEM_NAME + "(s) in order to get rewarded!"); } return true; } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } } Fuente: http://l2jtopic.foroblog.net/t187-vote-reware#ixzz3TeLM9tzw
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