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razor shultz

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About razor shultz

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  1. The answer, regardless fo what everyone thinks, (and this is from NCsoft too) is: Linnee-age. A few other ways of spelling it just incase people don't understand: lin-ee-ijdge lin-ee-yj lyn-ee-ij 1st option is wrong. 2nd option is also wrong, (it's NOT Line-age) Listen to the ingame voice again
  2. Can u tell me where ur elite server is hosted? i want to know some great hosting, and the best datacenter does sound promising. thanks in advance.
  3. http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i15/Razor_Shultz/l2/prob.png This is my problem, any help is appreciated in advance, thanks.
  4. how can i use l2 file edit to change weapongrp.dat.....it always gives the 'system cannot find specified file error'
  5. i get this problem all the time, help someone please.
  6. i get a 'system cannot find specified file' whenever i use l2 file edit on weapongrp.dat, other files it can do fine, but weapongrp.dat it gets this eror! help please someone....
  7. i get this problem when i try to save, it says cannot find the file specified, and it has the same path this guy showed, in the RarSFX file location. Help please?
  8. when i use navicat 9 to import these codes, the brackets ( and the ' are always counted in the names. So now i have armour called 'dynasty plate' and with these weird characters they don't work. Is there a way to get these imported but without all the ( and ' on them?
  9. Someone help me please...I changed all the login configs and gameserver configs with my IPs, and changed l2.ini so the guy could connect to mine, gave him the right patcher but everytime he logs in he crashes out right away, is this problem with his client? Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. www.l2-infinity.net Active, great GMs who are always online and tvt is running constantly all day, 9 hour buffs, custom coin of luck events, moving to L2OFF really soon, and the 2 machines have no lag, they're very expensive servers. There is a multitude of people here from nearly all other l2servers, and this one has the potential to be the bestest ^^ Great community with friendly players to, great clan wars and pvps, and it's never hard to get a party here xD Words can't really do justice to how good this server is, please take some time to check it out or tell your friends about it. It's not mine. -subclasses -noblesse -hero -olympiad -coin of luck events -tvt running all day -9 hour buffs -town NPC buffer -global gatekeeper -class change and everything else -nicely balanced -virtually 0 bugs -100% uptime Infinity 500x server with 700x adena. Please check it out!
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