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About SickNurse

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  1. As in topic I'm selling Adena at official EU server - Core Price 1b (1kkk) = 5$ 40b+ in Stock Adena made by myself, I'm not a reseller - 100% safe. Payments via PayPal, Skrill, Blik or Revolut (Revolut doesn't have any currency exchange and transfer fees, try it out) Discounts with Revolut. Skype: SickNurse90 For more info use Skype or PM (I'm usually answering faster if you use skype)
  2. Hello, I'm selling Adena at new GameCoast Helheim x10 server. Price 2$ = 1b Adena (1kkk) 40b + in stock Payments via PayPal or Skrill. Skype: SickNurse90 For more info use Skype or PM (I'm usually answering faster if you use skype)
  3. WTS all what u want: Boss set's Dynasty set's GCM"s Donator Coins Weapons S80 pm me here or in game Sanex
  4. Bought another 300k today, smooth transaction +1
  5. Recommended, trustworthy guy.
  6. Bought 1b, very fast trade. Recommended.
  7. Selling Gold at ArcheAge new European Rangora Server GOLD: 100 Gold = 4$ or 3,6€ (2k in stock) With purchases of 1k + Gold price can go as low as 3,5$ / 100g. Skype: SickNurse90 Use Skype or PM to make offers (I will answer much faster if you use Skype) Payments via PayPal only. For recomendations check my previous topics. I sold tons of items from every major L2 server, also bought a lot and got only positive comments in my topics.
  8. WTS at Innova Core server: ADENA 25€ = 1b (8b in stock) In case of bigger purchases price is negotiable so fell free to ask @Skype. Feoh Wizard 99lvl (Storm Screamer) - 97lvl Wynn Dualclass - 80/80 - all subs done - Arcane Power (didn't learn Wizard Spirit so you can have best Feoh made out of it) - Dark Elf (most INT) Skype: SickNurse90 Use Skype or PM to make offers (I will answer much faster if you use Skype) Payments via PayPal and Skrill only. For recomendations check my previous topics. I sold tons of items from every major L2 server, also bought a lot and got only positive comments in my topics.
  9. zoooooooooooooooooolander .. trusted!! no problem with transaction. BIG +1 for him. GL next trades :)
  10. nvm, nobled 78+ .. your item your price, PM me what char do you have + price for it. can be naked.
  11. Wtb char nobless at l2 bnb x10 server. pm here with class and price. adensky or real cash ! Cheers!
  12. Fast delivery, 0 problems.. TRUSTED! cheers mate!
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