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About Lukinecek

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    Czech Republic

Lukinecek's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. I would like to mention, that this server will be absolutely awesome. Why? I know theirs projecs like L2Tales, L2Cartel. I know how GMs are hardworking, they want to get best and it is coming :-). I can't wait for launch this new project. Come and support them too. This will be famous start. Thanks for server like this.
  2. I can tell you few words about L2Tales. I played on L2Tales and same project from them - L2Cartel. These server are awesome. GMs are active, friendlish (friendly), talkative and when you have any problem, they are ready to face a problem and fix it (solve it). The new project of L2Tales is great idea and I can to say that it will be server set for both - newbie and pro players. Rates and chances on this server are set average. I am going to visit this new server. I want see and enjoy fun and great action, like grand bosses and huge amount of players. You can meet there people from you region, it is possible.I hope that this article will help you with decision. But words can't describe all the best on this server, you should (have to) try this. :-)
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