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Everything posted by nukerftw

  1. thxxx brooo! by any chance is there any other type of bug currently working?
  2. Exactly bro, that's what I'm looking for haha, remember how should I activate it within the game?
  3. Does anyone remember how to activate it in-game? i don't remember hehe
  4. hi guys , could someone from the old school help me? I'm looking for one of the files called "Help.hml" that were pasted inside the L2text folder that allowed buffing you with resistances through the npc inside some server ... can someone confirm if this still works?
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  6. you try run as administrator?
  7. i have adr cracked v1.66 english, but i have not tried ....
  8. not working adr cracked! unless you have one key pay 8)
  9. yes... working! expects it will be up in a few days! ;D
  10. Hi guys today I share a new method to use l2tower in l2appeal interlude server running 100 %. ok friends this are the steps : 1. download L2 tower + injector ---> http://tinyurl.com/nc9pg6a 2. open a new client lineage 2, select a character but not press start! 3. open l2tower , press inject into process ID and close tower. 4. open injector and select l2 process and close injector. 5. press start and happy botting :D http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ierkp NOTE: do not forget to add DDL: D3DX9_43.dll dbghelp.dll Hooklib_Easyhook.dll L2T.dll L2Tower.dll msvcp120.dll msvcr120.dll
  11. will upload a fixed version in the upcoming days for the ppl that cant make it work!
  12. w8 my friend im checking a possible problem that doesnt let some ppl log or open it.
  13. w8 my friend im checking a possible problem that doesnt let some ppl log or open it.
  14. w8 my friend im checking a possible problem that doesnt let some ppl log or open it.
  15. even if i posted it, the loader developper or creator has all the credits! i just wanted to share it :-\
  16. thankkkkk!!! good boting! >:D
  17. i dont know man :-\ , i have the same OS and it works perfectly, its probably a problem of some dll, let me try it yes?
  18. sry Szaka I did not know what habias your uploaded in another post, but you are the best are all your credits!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
  19. Hi guys today I share a new method to use l2tower in l2mid interlude server running 100 %. ok friends this are the steps : 1. download loader + serial key : http://tinyurl.com/odtv3uc and l2 tower: http://tinyurl.com/odxp7tc 2. open Loader and put the key 3. open a new client lineage 2, select a character select a character but not press start! 4. press connect / initialize boton (1) , press rescan process list boton (2) , select process and press Fix selected boton (3). 5.open l2tower , press inject into process and inject a some process ID . 6. close l2tower and now press start boton in l2 client. 100 % working a video as example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH3jmUtDn3M
  20. no problem! :not bad: GL and have fun Boting! script here ----> http://tinyurl.com/p6vfga7
  21. Hi guys today I share a new method to use l2tower in l2mid interlude server running 100 %. ok friends this are the steps : 1. download loader + serial key : http://tinyurl.com/odtv3uc and l2 tower http://tinyurl.com/odxp7tc 2. open Loader and put the key 3. open a new client lineage 2, select a character select a character but not press start! 4. press connect / initialize boton (1) , press rescan process list boton (2) , select process and press Fix selected boton (3). 5.open l2tower , press inject into process and inject a some process ID . 6. close l2tower and now press start boton in l2 client. 100 % working a video as example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH3jmUtDn3M
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