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About Partel122

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  1. WTS feoh dark elf female changed to Soultaker, with 16 ap and exalted quest 1 done, items of vitality and XP boost, arcane power, shinny elemental shirt +6 and talisman hellfire, dualclass healer 95 DM me for more info.
  2. wts feoh soutlaker dark elf female lvl 100 16ap -shinny shirt +6/hellfire talis/have arcane power. For 2b adena or 20euro dm fast! dual healer 95 can trade for another char 100+ pm
  3. WTS feoh soultaker dark elf female with arcane power and 16ap. have much boost for vitality-exp untradeable. WTS for adena or euro. DM please
  4. WTT feoh dark elf female lvl 100 with arcane power and 16ap sub healer 93 aoe skill+10 shinny shirt +6 hellfire talis too much vitaltiy potions...wtt for iss 99+ pm or skype: konick1441
  5. WTS dark elf female feoh soultaker lvl 100 with dual 93 cardinal /subs lvl 80. full AP and subs skils. With arcane power!!. !shinny elemental shirt +6/hellfire talisman/4slot brooch with brooch lvl 2 diamond pearl obsidian sapphire. Exalted Quest done lvl1. Aoe skill +10 x2pack 7Days of top epic jewels.// x129 top grade love potion(rapsody party potion).// x3scroll 30% AP/sp 60min//x10 scroll of rose//9k PA points//x5 vitality potions//x4 vitality repleshing potion 1hours each//rodemai rune pack 15days. WTS For adena or Euro(adena in core)
  6. WTS feoh dark elf female changed to soul taker,lvl 100 with 16 AP. some vitality/boosts items. some skills enchants +7+5,int dyes +4INT +3CHA (x3units),Hunter talisman and venir lvl 4,Blessed helios retributer +7 Acumen 300wind, r99 robe set full blessed 120 att, shiny elemental shirt +6 with skill, special coc belt, hair accesory with 10% m.atk, istina ring wizzard,istina earring,istina necklace wizzard,special coc ring wind,special coc earring stun...Brooch lvl 2. subs lvl 80 and some raid points.. Send me MP
  7. L2 core server Char lvl 100 female with Full ap,Have nuke skills +5-7,vitality items,some raid points,subs lvl 80,int dyes +4INT+3CHA(x3),R99 blessed set +3+4+5 120 att full bless,shiny elemental shirt +6,keep arcane power still, R99 blessed retributer +7 acumen 300att(wind),have PA points,PVP def belt istina jewel set and top coc jewels, M.atk hair accesory,hunter talisman and venir lvl 4, PVP Def special belt. MP for more info...
  8. WTS female dark elf changed to soul taker lvl 99 44% and 14ap near 15 with brooch lvl 3 and too much vita bost around 30pots. Also i sell Blessed Amaranthine Retributer +7 acumen 300wind and m.atk acc 2slots.
  9. Hey i wts feoh 99 dark elf changed to soultaker and with arcane power for adena,have 12 ap and 32% for lvl100 for adenas,pm me here or add skype konick1441
  10. WTT Feoh dark elf soultaker 99 with 12 AP and arcane power for Iss enchanter 99+ pm me or skype: konick1441
  11. WTS dark elf female changed to soultaker lvl 99 with 30-40% with 12 AP Items: -Set tw robe blessed +6 120 full -broochs -Dyes +4INT +3CHA (x3) -Apo retri blessed +4 2SA 300 -hat 2 slots with m.atk 10% -Venir's Talisman lvl 4 -Talisman abundance conquerer -20 pots of vita rele 1h -istina Ring wizzard -Special ring +5% crt.dmg magic -Istina neck wizzard -Special earring +40% stun resist PM me or add skype: konick1441.
  12. the char have lvl 99 with 10% and 10 aps, full int dyes +4INT +3CHA,talisman conquerer and venir talisman lv4,brooch lvl 1,tw blessed robe set +6 120 full,apo retri bless +5 2sa, octavis shirt and tw belt pvp skill,istina ring wizz,neck wizz,special ring and earring top from coc,a lot of xp and sp boosts. WTS for adenas or euros,we can negociate...waiting for pms
  13. WTS elf soultaker 99 with 9 ap, near 10 and exalted quest near completely,with brooch lvl 2 and 3 with 5 immortal scroll and rodemai rune Dual lvl 95 elf shillient saint with prophecy of wind keep -aria bracelet int+3 skype :konick1441
  14. nice buyer and trusted man!
  15. wts 99 feoh soultaker( elf ) with +15int top brooch(lvl1-2-3-3) sub healer shilient saint 93 near lvl94 Pm me in forum for price or skype Konick1441
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