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Everything posted by imagez

  1. It's so boring to play by yourself, but when you can get some friends together, I have a GREAT time blowing the heads off of countless zombies with them! Well worth checking out if you can get some people together!
  2. It's the most lush game I've ever been in, that and i've been hopelessly addicted since the original OB ;_;
  3. I agree, L3 is the only thing in my mind that could possibly trump L2. Aion might be a good distraction while waiting the long painful time till we get our hands on l3!
  4. I could not play my shammy without dominos and all my custom binds :D
  5. I'm working on a spoiler/SE combo on retail, i'm feeling CRAZY! I've just gotten bored jumping from private server to private server after they shut down.
  6. FG was my favorite communal spot, Elven village/Anghel Waterfalls/Enchanted valley get a 3 way tie for my favorite scenery locations :O
  7. haha, figured this out scrounging info from the other thread maybe 20 minutes before you posted this xD Confirmed working, I'm OOG/IG on my popular bakeice server ;)
  8. works completely fine on a blank account, you're so awesome ;D can't wait to see the oog guide!
  9. I think I've got everything working now, but my walker client seems to crash where it should be going to char select. L2Fork says everything it needs to, it freezes when i click the server on bakeice. Just plain freezes right up, i left it for 10 minutes and still frozen :(
  10. So, can anybody upload a clean c6 system folder for me? Lost my installer and I really want to try this
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