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Everything posted by guss

  1. Have you tried the //admin feature ingame ? Have in my mind that in order for some changes to the DB to take place , character has to be offline and account logged out . I don't see why the hero status could not stay when you change it in the DB. greetings
  2. This is what i want . Not too much moded ready to go servers. To be honest my thought is to start build my server on L2Jserver and beta test extensively up to what i want . I dont want to have 1243574343785 different shades of glow in my server or modified weapons. i want to invest in great playtime and having real fun . I hope my thoughts are fair enough .
  3. I am starting a thread here , regarding your personal opinion that could lead me choose best my distro. so the Big Question is : H5 Server In your opinion which distro could you choose? L2Jserver.com L2Jfrozen Something else A paid one ? Purpose is to learn - develop and later on make a production server . Thanks
  4. Finally i deleted it from ingame and from spawnlist.sql from the game folder. but this is not of the best options tbh , will look further to discover more about his hidden place in my DB :)
  5. Using L2Jserver.com and i can't find the npc_walkers.xml anywhere :(
  6. On it now, thanks a lot . I ll report back
  7. There is a prohet running around Giran etc. (NPC id =4310) The problem is that he spams the chat with his message. Anyone knows where i could find his text reference and delete it - remove it? Thanks a lot.
  8. Fixed it . In case someone has the same problem he must alter carefully the LAN addresses - subnet . For example : part of the ipconfig.xml <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver> Hope this can help some more people . Feel free to ask anything.
  9. i could load the .sh file but when runnin l2jserver.jar gives output of errors if any any other suggestion ?
  10. Problem is that i have the server on a dedicated machine that i recently purchased in order to do a good clean job in developing an L2J project. So i cant log from since server is at another machine.
  11. Hey all . I would love to ask if there is an app that gives specific players items at their inventory etc? I want to test some items with my GM and logging every time to the game and //spawn etc is a bit frustrating and painfull . Alt-tab - l2j finder and vice versa. Is there something that could help me insert items outside the game? Through DB perhaps ? Thanks a lot.
  12. Hey all . I am facing a bit of a problem with java when launching Gameserver. Using L2J server master package. I got to tell you though that launching server is a breeze with 65 seconds loading time. Anyway. I am using Debian 7 with java JDK+ JRE version 8 installed. java version "1.8.0_31" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_31-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.31-b07, mixed mode) When i am launching server with java-jar l2jserver.jar i get a line with message : *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir, '/home/clover/server/libs/jython.jar/cachedir/packages' I tried 2 things : Permissions to 777 >>> nothing happened keep taking the error Absolute path to the directory >>>> nothing happened again . Server is getting up and working but i dont know if that error could have some impact on the gameserver functioning. Second problem i am facing is that : Everything is ok when it comes for the people from the outside to log in to my server using the wan ip . I am using the ip-config.xml But when i try to login from lan i am getting past the login screen but i am stuck at the server selection. My LAN is on so i changed a bit the ipconfig.xml at the end of the file. Is it correct? Server Lan Ip is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Note: If file is named "ipconfig.xml" this data will be used as network configuration, otherwise server will configure it automatically! --> <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test --> <gameserver address="WAN IP HERE" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../data/xsd/ipconfig.xsd"> <!-- Localhost here --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver> Thanks a lot , waiting for your opinions, hoping that will help the community. Cheers
  13. Hello everybody , i am testing a H5 server and i would love to start a thread asking for a bit of help if that possible. I am new at the L2j community and i am starting to keep up my steps 1 at a time. For the moment i want to buy a Server to start my beta testing with some people . And here are the questions . 1: Quad Core or Dual Core (Xeon of course) . Do i need horse power since server will use mainly Debian (not desktop) + mysql ? 2: RAM ? DDR2 vs DDR3 ? Amount of GB ? (some machines are cheap with DDR2) 3: Any particular brand? Please consider that i am not the uber duper guy that could spend much cash , looking for something second handed of course :D And 1 irellevant question . Until i grab my machine i got one spare dual celeron with 2GB DDR2 only that is sitting. I tried to load GS (L2J server is what i am using) and i had a memory problem , heap etc. Is there a way that i can alter some settings in this line ? java -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.l2jserver.util.L2LogManager -Dpython.cachedir=../cachedir -Xms1024m -Xmx1536m -jar l2jserver.jar and get the server up and running at least for some testing ( custom shops - npcs etc) till my new server arrive? Geodata and pathfing is off of course . Thanks a lot guys and hope to get your answers . Regards
  14. On it right now , thanks a lot again .
  15. Can i change -edit the multisell *.xml files adding or removing items without doing any further actions in the DB or java files? Btw thanks a lot for the fast reply.
  16. Hello everybody , i am relative new - a starter on the L2J project and i am starting to adapt and make clear how the whole system works. I am taking small steps at a time but i think i am doing something good :D What i need to ask is if someone can help me in that : I need to edit some npc's for example a grocery store ( Add - Remove specific items) . Can someone explain to me the right procedure , where to start from and steps i need to take? What files i need to 'touch' etc? I am currently using the High Five pack from L2Jserver.com . I think its a good clean start . It would be greatfull . Really thanks
  17. Bump! Requesting that also
  18. Whole system folder ?
  19. Thanks for the replies , trully . Is there someone that can provide me with a nice hellbound system ?
  20. Doesn't help :( Just did it Keep getting the error PosCode : LS1:0:0:0 2/0 General protection fault! History: FL2GameData::GameTipDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
  21. Hello everyone. I am starting a topic here after spending big time searching the forum for what i am about to ask. Perhaps i didnt search correctly, who knows .... But i require your help that may help others too . So there we go : 1: Lets say that i have a hellbound server ready and launched succesfuly . (Login server and game server running ok.) 2: I got a clean hellbound client - mostly official if i am not mistaken . 3: I have my clean system ( Thanks Stacy Doll for providing me that ) www.mediafire.com%2Fdownload%2Fjkbg7z46afghue7%2FHellbound%2BSystem.rar&h=XAQFpsXp4 4: Where do i put this system folder ? Overwriting above the clean system of my client? Or deleting the Client System folder and pasting this ? 5: I have downloaded the l2 fileedit for hellbound and changed the l2.ini from the above downloaded system. I encrypted again with code 413 or something else ? 6: What are the next steps i have to take besides the L2.ini modification regarding my address? ( 7: For the last i have to tell you that after some tries and changing only the address of the L2.ini and running L2.exe on windows 8 i get this error but after 4-5 hours of search did not lead me anywhere . 8: Do we have to do something about the gameguard feature ? General protection fault! History: FL2GameData::GameTipDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine and game crashes. I am gratefull for your help . I hope someone will help me (and others) by explaining my mistakes to me and give us the correct procedures on how to modify the client so the people from outside can connect to our server . Thanks a lot in advance . Hope those are not so much of an info :) Ps : I would love an explanation about hosts . We edit our hosts ( server side ) to : localhost l2authd.lineage2.com external ip l2authd.lineage2.com >>> we give this ip or dns name to our friends form the outside to join our server ? Is there anything else that we have to put at the hosts file ?
  22. Really appreciate the fast reply Stacy. Clean system is what will help me a lot . Hope this is gameguard patched . Thanks
  23. good evening to everybody , i am starting to build a hellbound l2j server . I followed most of the really helpfull topics inside the forum and i managed to start the server successfully. 1 : What i need ( here is where your help is needed) is how to make my hellbound client to connect to my server correctly? 2 : Is there a chance to find a clean hellbound client ? i ve searched everywhere but no luck :( 3 : I have found a client but there was already an l2.ini inside but the l2 filedit could not decrypt it . I was getting a straight (L) nothing else. 4 : What are the next steps besides editing the address in L2.ini in order to connect and play ? 5 : Do i need a gameguard killer as i read somewhere ? Thanks in Advance guys . PS. Forum is marvelous.
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