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Everything posted by mpampatsaa

  1. Hello, i want to report L2JxTream Project i bougth project files to open server and inside souce i find 3 backdoors from the developers of L2JxTream, (http://i.imgur.com/zrFwcvz.png) Please help other members to dont be scammed. Skype of seller : nightwolf.black i know 2 names of that team : NightWolf , Excalibur //Edit I forgot something. He already use that backdoors at my Live Server and he make me do Close it :/
  2. yes but i don't know how :-\
  3. gameserver/java/extension.voiceCommands/BossInfo.java package Extensions.VoicedCommands; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; public class BossInfo implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "bossinfo" }; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { StringBuilder tb = new StringBuilder(); NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); tb.append("<html><title>Grand Boss</title><body><br><center>"); tb.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br><br>"); for (int boss : Config.GRAND_BOSS_LIST) { String name = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(boss).getName(); long delay = 0; delay = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatsSet(boss).getLong("respawn_time"); if (delay <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { tb.append("<font color=\"00C3FF\">" + name + "</color>: " + "<font color=\"9CC300\">Is Alive</color>" + "<br1>"); } else { int hours = (int) ((delay - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000 / 60 / 60); int mins = (int) (((delay - (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000 / 60); int seconts = (int) (((delay - ((hours * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (mins * 60 * 1000))) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000); tb.append("<font color=\"00C3FF\">" + name + "</color>" + "<font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + " " + "Respawn in :</color>" + " " + " <font color=\"32C332\">" + hours + " : " + mins + " : " + seconts + "</color><br1>"); } } tb.append("<br><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"); tb.append("</center></body></html>"); msg.setHtml(tb.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(msg); return true; } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } }
  4. Wait i will Find them and post it :)
  5. i have aCis pack and i have Boss Info only shows alive or dead for bosses Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Antharas, Baium, Zaken, Valakas, Frintezza <npc id="5" idTemplate="30951" name="Boss Info" title=""> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="18"/> <set name="rHand" val="0"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="L2Npc"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="2444.46819"/> <set name="mp" val="1345.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688.86373"/> <set name="pDef" val="295.91597"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470.40463"/> <set name="mDef" val="216.53847"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="50"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <set name="attackRange" val="40"/> <ai type="default" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="18"/> </skills> </npc>
  6. em den kserw agglika re file ti na kanw den to eida auto :P den kserw pws ginetai auto :-\
  7. <html> <title> Lineage][ GM Shop </title> <body> <center> <font color="003366" align="center">___________________________________________</font> <img src=sm_icon.wallpaper height=90 width=256></td> <font color="003366" align="center">___________________________________________</font> <table width=210> <tr> <td align=center> <button value="Weapons" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 3" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.weapbon" fore="sm_icon.weapboff"> <button value="Armors" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.armorbon" fore="sm_icon.armorboff"> <button value="Jewels" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 2" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.jewbon" fore="sm_icon.jewboff"> <button value="Other" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 6" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.etcon" fore="sm_icon.etcoff"> <button value="Vote Items" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Multisell 52011" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.etcon" fore="sm_icon.etcoff"> <button value="Exchange" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Multisell 52012" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.etcon" fore="sm_icon.etcoff"> <button value="Sell" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Sell" width=256 height=40 back="sm_icon.sellon" fore="sm_icon.selloff"> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>
  8. hello I want a help to change the icons on GmShop http://prntscr.com/7ua4zg the vote will to have the icon of the golden apiga with N 9143 and the exchage appearance of ancient adena with id 5575. Thank you very much
  9. if i change it to 100 is 100%? and you know how to bring out the critical of mages?
  10. What should be changed to catch more of the stun? <skill id="101" levels="40" name="Stunning Shot" enchantLevels1="30" enchantLevels2="30" > <table name="#enchantMagicLvl"> 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 85 85 85 </table> <table name="#ench2MpConsume"> 116 114 113 111 110 108 107 105 103 102 100 99 97 96 94 93 91 89 88 86 85 83 82 80 79 77 75 74 72 71 </table> <table name="#mpConsume"> 49 51 53 56 58 60 60 62 64 66 68 70 71 73 75 77 78 80 82 84 86 87 89 91 93 95 96 98 99 101 103 105 106 108 110 111 113 114 116 117 </table> <table name="#magicLvl"> 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 </table> <table name="#power"> 344 367 391 443 471 500 530 562 595 630 666 703 742 782 823 866 910 955 1002 1050 1100 1150 1202 1255 1309 1364 1420 1476 1534 1592 1651 1710 1770 1830 1891 1951 2012 2072 2132 2999 </table> <table name="#ench1effectPower"> 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 </table> <table name="#ench2Power"> 2211 2231 2251 2270 2290 2310 2330 2349 2369 2389 2409 2428 2448 2468 2488 2507 2527 2547 2566 2586 2606 2626 2645 2665 2685 2705 2724 2744 2764 2784 </table> <set name="weaponsAllowed" val="BOW" /> <!-- Bow --> <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/> <set name="power" val="#power"/> <set name="magicLvl" val="#magicLvl"/> <set name="lvlDepend" val="1"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/> <set name="overHit" val="true"/> <set name="SSBoost" val="2.0"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/> <set name="hitTime" val="3000"/> <set name="coolTime" val="1000" /> <set name="skillType" val="PDAM"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="1300"/> <set name="isDebuff" val="true" /> <set name="effectRange" val="5000"/> <enchant1 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/> <enchant1 name="effectPower" val="#ench1effectPower"/> <enchant2 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/> <enchant2 name="mpConsume" val="#ench2MpConsume"/> <enchant2 name="power" val="#ench2Power"/> <for> <effect name="Stun" time="9" val="0" effectPower="50" effectType="STUN" stackOrder="1" stackType="stun" /> <effect name="RemoveTarget" noicon="1" val="0" effectPower="50" effectType="DEBUFF" /> </for>
  11. with java code i don't have scheme buffer in l2bufferinstance.java i mean :P
  12. hello all.... i need a buffer (no scheme buffer) with spawn ID in custom-npcs.xml and htm. with out java code
  13. maybe is better to look for another NPC buffer to put in my server :P
  14. hello to everyone ... I have aCis Pack and my AIO buffer give me all buffs to one level what is the problem for this? thanks for help me ::)
  15. php script? what means your db? :-\
  16. Good afternoon to everyone that I can connect the site with the gameserver to shows up on the website is online and never ever is offline?
  17. i have 8GB ram on my PC i put geodata.properties>geodata = 2 and it is okay don't hit from back walls thanks very much :) lock it....
  18. datapack>data>geodata>Readme.txt - GeoData = 2 - GeoDataFormat = the one you have choosen - CoordSynchronize = 2 Geodata.properties 2: GeoData, PathChecking and PathFinding ON. # * When LoM check fails, the PathFinding is performed to look for # an alternative path (e.g. walk around obstacle). GeoData = 0 # Specifies the path to geodata files. For example, when using L2off geodata files located # at Lineage client folder ("C:/Program Files/Lineage II/system/geodata/"), default: ./data/geodata/ GeoDataPath = ./data/geodata/ # Sets the geodata file format and filename conventions, default: L2J # L2J: Geodata are in standard L2J format (using filename e.g. 22_16.l2j) # L2OFF: Geodata are in standard L2OFF format (using filename e.g. 22_16_conv.dat) # L2D: Geodata are in diagonal L2D format (using filename e.g. 22_16.l2d) GeoDataFormat = L2J # Player coordinates synchronization # 1 - partial synchronization Client --> Server ; don't use it with geodata # 2 - partial synchronization Server --> Client ; use this setting with geodata # -1 - Old system: will synchronize Z only, default: -1 CoordSynchronize = -1
  19. hello all... What should I do to avoid weights through walls?
  20. i am okay SweeTs Baggos help me to fix is fucking mana pots :P lock it :P
  21. i am sure... <skill id="2279" levels="3" name="Herb of Mana"> <!-- Lvl 2 is Greater Herb of Mana Lvl 3 is Superior Herb of Mana --> <table name="#power"> 12 500 100 </table> <set name="power" val="#power" /> <set name="hitTime" val="100" /> <set name="staticHitTime" val="true" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" /> <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="isPotion" val="true" /> <cond msgId="113" addName="1"> <player flying="False" /> </cond> </skill>
  22. create item with ID 728 is mana potion and the same 1 mana pot fill all mana :-\
  23. SweeTs Use goddamn mana potion, 728 ID.?
  24. i reload skills and server_restart and again same man :/
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