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About L2CoreSeller

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  1. Hi guys, I am selling adena on gamecoast. $3/1kkk Payment first, adena after.
  2. WTB Core adena - large quantities. Only trusted sellers
  3. Scam. he is trying to sell chars that are not his. After you pay he will say that his paypal is blocked. I've contacted the owner of one of the chars he is selling and he has no knowledge of this. I can prove everything with skype logs and print screens. A MOD please lock the topic and ban the guy.
  4. Evening, I need a lvl 48+ prophet on Skelth. Please PM me here.
  5. Bought 9kk from him, no issues, everything delivered.
  6. He bought 30b from me: fast and secure A+
  7. Stock 53b. The price is 30e/1b. For bulk orders discounts are available. Pm me here for skype. Stock 50b -3b to hakaman1 ALL SOLD
  8. Trusted, I've sold him Istina earring, Istina ring, Hunters talisman and Antharas earring,
  9. I need 25b adena on Core. I only deal with people that have been vouched for and have successful trades in their history. I will agree to pay upfront with the condition that I get a link on PM from the seller, confirming that he has the required adena and I will NEVER pay for the full amount in one go, meaning the 25b will be divided in separate batches, 1b at a time. reply with prices on Pm please.
  10. Char: 99 Necro 16 AP, All Lvl 4 jwls: Diamond, Obsidian, Sapphire, Opal Subs: Summoner 98/80/80 Bound items: +7 Shiny shirt +15 INT dyes Aria bracelet +3 INT Auguments: Active reflect, Active all skill reuse, active magic skill reuse -------------Character price 400 Euro--------------------- Items: +5 Blessed Valakas Necklace 35b +5 Blessed Antharas Necklace 35b +6 Bloody Ama Retributer Acumen 10b +6 Soul Ant Queen 6b +3 Istina Earring 2b +4 Istina ring wizzard 2.5B +4 Lidia's Belt 3b +7 Robe Set 10b Hunters Talisman 2.5b Pm me here for Skype.
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