couldnt be more agree, he is just a liar and a thief, but lucky after all, im living few Km away from his town, and tbh, he can be glad, i dont know any info about him, if not, i would be choosing the color of his wheelchair, not sure if such a crap should be treated by like a "he" tho, he is just a rat
listening to offers ( PM )
MAIN 99 (white elf) aeore cardinal - 4 AP
DUAL 96 sumoner
SUB 80/80
+10 Lumi
+7 Giant Favor
all passive skills +6, one of them +7
Stuff in char
R99 heavt set full att
Active reflect
Desire Talisman
Aria Bracelet INT
also have arround 150€ in l2 vitality stuff, like 32 hours Vitality Replenishing Potion, and few nevits
86 d.elf wyn in the same acc
could be sold with r99 robe set +6 full att for +120€ SET SOLD
U can check prev thread to see im trsuted ->