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Everything posted by PlayHard!

  1. omfg all spam"nice 1, thx for share",.... is that work or no?
  2. i want to tell best joke i ever read haha it's rly funny "* * * Luna open-beta will start in few days. (download Interlude client) * * *" everytime when saw that i cant stop laughing
  3. yes u have right i dont sold that lifestone so i dont know wat will be when i get 2.4kkk i just told u this trick
  4. hmm if u have in GM shop life stone highest grade try it buy and sell on my server i buy it for 2kkk and sell for 2.4kkk xD
  5. i told not on all server on server must be this price bug
  6. Little Update!!! now when i loged in on other char i wanted to try something.I see in GM shop is little price bug u can buy all c-s grade bow without SA very cheap and sell it more expensive!but the best is to buy "the bow"
  7. Interlude on Dragon Network am I crazy or i rly said that ahahahahahah never
  8. yeaa like l2j servers for that, i had today unlimited adena too xD
  9. OK then. I played one server called l2knight it polish HR l2j Interlude server and there is still a great bug for money!I know in some other servers it can work to but on which server i cant tell u.So server has GM shop u can buy there all wat u want. When u click bows/arrows u see non grade/s grade bows non grade ofcourse have low price s grade cost 50kk i think but there is a one bow called "the bow" which is S grade and cost 1kk.Now u must buy 100-400 these bows and sell it in GM shop from 100 bow which cost 100kk u make 1.7kkk.aaaa u ll ask how i can buy 400 bows?On this server is possible, u can have 80 things/80 but i dont know how i had 450/80 xD. aaaa very important thing dont ever buy more than 400 bows because if u buy more than 400 every time when u want to log character with 400 bows u get error and u cant ever play this character i know it from....autopsy i bought 500 bows and BB my GK with +18 fist :( if on ur server u cant use this bug try it on l2knight just find it on google.we connect server during host
  10. O_x it can't work anywhere.. merry christmass btw xD
  11. funny not funny but I show u power of this buff u can use it in other situation too !!
  12. on some servers u can take many crystals and drop it in forest
  13. omg i told u can do it for minute or for 1 year!
  14. or dual box and 2 pets one for u one for ur dual box xD then u can lvling it for fckn dead xD
  15. hmm then i must play there 'cause it's our polish server xD
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