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Everything posted by demote

  1. Lineage 2 Core SERVER 1st account: 150e Othell Wind Rider 101 lv // Dual titan 100 lv // +2 subs at 80 lvs with 100% xp made from dark elf Main Othell 101lv ( 13%): Dye: 3x +5 Dex - 1 Con + Earth resistance +20 16 Ability points skills enchant list : Blood Stab +10 duel Heart Breaker +10 duel Chain Blow +10 duel Reverse +10 duel Razor Rain + 10 hex Mortal Strike + 10 recharge Shadow Hide +10 time Final Ultimate Evansion + 10 time Evasive Counterstrike +10 shield Shadow Dash +10 shield Angel of Death +10 time Shadow Dodge +10 magic shield Critical Chances +10 wind Critical Wound +10 chance Dark Paralysis +10 chance Shadow Chase +10 chance Mischief +10 chance Mass Trick +10 chance Shadow Flash +10 chance Throw dagger +10 chance Uppercut +10 chance Kick +10 chance Power Bluff +10 chance Dual Titan 100lv( 4%xp ): Dye: +3 Str - 1 Dex +5 Fire resistance +3 Str - 2 Dex +5 Fire resistance +3 Str - 2 Dex 16 Ability points skills enchant list : Armor Destruction +10 chance Rage +10 haste Frenzy +10 time Second Wind +10 might Feral Bear Cry +10 counter Spirit of the Slayer +10 might Items: Augmented Homunkulus == > Invincible ( active ) Augmented Homunkulus == > Refresh ( active ) Augmented Homunkulus == > Reflect ( active ) Augmented Twilight knife == > Refresh ( active ) Star of the Evil == > Bless Body Bryliant Brooch 4 slots x1 Energy of destruction x679 Talisman Hellfire ( red ) Party Cake x3 Xp Rune 50% 5h x3 Sp Rune 50% 5h x3 Aria's Bracelet +CON Aria's Bracelet +DEX Aria's Bracelet +STR Maphir Shirt x3 Turtle buff Opal lv 3 Pearl lv 3 Diamond lv 3, lv 2 Ruby lv 2 Pa'agrio's Warm Breeze 1h x8 Birthday Vitality Potion 1h x1 Prestige Rune 7 days x1 Xp aghation 669/1800 time Xp Rune 200% 7days x1 Sp Rune 200% 7days x1 Immortal scrolls x5 Mark of Battle x2537 Obsidian lv 2 Xp Rune 100% 1-85 lv x40 Summon scrolls: Pomona ( gm buffs ) x16 Freya Frozen scrolls x16 Attendance Vitality tonic x16 Xp buff 50% 1h x6 Aghation - Joon Pack 30days x1 + lot of talisman and other items in wh +Warlord not awakened 85lv on events on mahums 2nd account: 10e Feoh Soultaker 94lv +arcana power // dual wynn elemental 85lv // +1sub 66lv Immortal armor , weapon , jewllery 3rd account: 8e Tyrr Grand Khavatari 96 lv // dual yul saggitarius 87 lv // +2subs 80lv , 54 lv 4th account: 8e Tyrr Titan 85 lv +65 lv sub Immortal armor , weapon , jewllery 5th account: 50e Iss enchanter 99 lv 5% // dual tank 98 lv 3x sonata +10 time 6th account: 60e Iss enchanter 99 lv +67% // dual 87lv Aeore Healer ( cardinal ) Immortal armor , weapon , jewllery 14 Ability points 3x Sonata +6 time Aghation - Joon Pack 30days x1 Freya Frozen scrolls x16 Attendance Vitality tonic x16 Xp Rune 100% 1-85 lv x30 Summon scrolls: Pomona ( gm buffs ) x16 Mark of Battle x941 Xp buff 50% 1h x6 + some toons Shielen templar 85 ( not awakened ) Tyrr Maestro 85 lv Immortal armor , weapon , jewllery Arcana lord 85 lv ( not awakened ) Feoh Stormscreamer 85 lv Immortal armor , weapon , jewllery
  2. still selling a tyrr ? if yes pm me with price
  3. still selling a tyrr ? if yes pm me with price
  4. hello how much u want for this char : Main: lvl 99 Tyrr Doombringer - Dual Class: lvl 88 Iss
  5. hello, still have othell for sell ? if yes pm me or write the price
  6. Hello how much u want for him w/o gear ?
  7. sold all ! To Close !
  8. i got 3b now for sell mail me if u have some question yomul@o2.pl
  9. Hello, i just quited from l2 core server i got 12b for sell 1b = 35euro if u got any question please contact at yomul@o2.pl regards
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