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  1. If people want a stable project with tons of working feature they will come to us. Everyone here who tested our work approve the quality. You can have something for free doesn't mean you don't have to pay. Don't try to make private projects worthless, it's not gonna happen.
  2. Hello guys, We collect these data on official server so feel safe to use it. I have 2 datapack version (Lindvior and Ertheia) so check it before using or it may cause server error. Please note that the data is the original work of L2Ertheia Team. Make sure to give us credit when you're using the data. There will be more free shares to come so keep the topic alive. ERTHEIA NPC_SPAWN P/s: I will give out freemium datapack if anyone is interested, please pm for more information.
  3. Upvote for my partner~
  4. I recommend using Mobius free source.
  5. Updated with some picture. Price will be revised because of feedback. Please contact for more information.
  6. Yes it's your own choice to choose which pack to use. I appreciate your feedback. :poker face:
  7. First partner located in EU will open a mid-rate server soon. Looking for 2 more partners.
  8. Only 2 more slot available for partner. There will be new starter plan available for a much better cost :dat:
  9. Thank you for your advice. From my point of view, if I'm a client I would go in and test for myself. That's better than just listing a tons of text.
  10. Website online including pricing plans! http://l2ertheia.com
  11. There isn't. But you can still go in and test though :happyforever:
  12. INTRODUCTION Greeting everyone, Our team is based in Singapore and every member has always been a Lineage 2 fanboy. From players, we've been developing ourself to become much more than just playing this game, we involve almost in every possible way to make this game more popular than it should be/used to be right now. As Lineage 2 is getting newer with each expansion, we stick to the newest one to bring all the excitement yet more friendly to new players than customizing the old packs (but they're still the best actually...). We're looking forward to working with the publishers that want to contribute anything to recreate this game a better playground. Our official discussion and free data giveaway: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/187004-l2ertheia-free-data-contribution-lindviorertheia/ Happy Holiday! First of all thank you for your feedbacks, they're precious to us neither it's good or bad because you actually care to leave a comment. We are having a hard time finding customer at this price point so as Christmas and New Year is coming, we're holding the biggest promotion ever! Beside I have already mentioned revised plans to fit everyone's needs. Please check this out below or at our website http://l2ertheia.com: WE ARE NOW EXTENDING OUR SERVICE TO PROVIDE MORE PREVIOUS STABLE VERSION OF INTERLUDE AND HIGH FIVE ALONG WITH LINDVIOR AND ERTHEIA. RENT A PRE-INSTALLED LINEAGE 2 SERVER MANAGER PLAN - $400 $150 *New Year 2015 Promotion* Version Interlude/High Five/Lindvior Setup Fee 100$ Limit 300 Players Basic Updater 24/7 Support Normal Priority Money-back Guarantee* ADMINISTRATOR PLAN - $500 $200 *New Year 2015 Promotion* Version Interlude/High Five/Lindvior Setup Fee 50$ Limit 300 Players Basic Updater 24/7 Support High Priority Money-back Guarantee* OFFICER PLAN - $700 $350 *New Year 2015 Promotion* Version Ertheia FREE Setup Fee UNLIMITED Players PROFESSIONAL Updater 24/7 Support DEDICATED STAFF Money-back Guarantee* SERVER DATAPACK STARTUP PACKAGE - $1500 $750 *New Year 2015 Promotion* Ertheia Datapack Retail Geodata MONTHLY Revision 24/7 Support Medium Priority Hotfix Money-back Guarantee* DEVELOPER PACKAGE - $2200 $1100 *New Year 2015 Promotion* Ertheia Datapack Retail Geodata WEEKLY Revision 24/7 Support High Priority Hotfix Money-back Guarantee* PARTNERSHIP - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE Full Source Code SVN Access DAILY Revision Team Support On Demand Service Infinite Odyssey Beta L2ERTHEIA.COM POSITIVE FEEDBACKS CHANGELOG RETAIL WORKING FEATURE PROOF
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