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Everything posted by haos

  1. Kalispera se olous, yparxei kati pou boroume na kanoume me thn vlakeia tou kwdikou pou exoun balei gia prostasia apo bot kai walker's , gnwrizei kapoios kati gia auto mhpws tha borousame na to svisoume apo to system ?:p
  2. Εισαι σιγουρος ? Γτ κατι μου ειπαν για χωρες που εχουν τα symbols αυτα (τονους- κ.τ.λ) στο keyboard τους και στην καθημερινη τους γλωσσα πως μπορουν να τα χρησιμοποησουν ...
  3. Kαλησπερα σε ολους , θα ηθελα λιγο την βοηθεια σας .Παιζω σε εναν pvp server, και εχω μια απορια καθως θελω να κανω ενα νεο χαρακτηρα και θελω να χρησιμοποιησω ALT -Symbols στο create αλλα μου βγαινει Ιncorrect name.Tο θεμα ειναι πως εχω δει αλλους με symbols οπως αυτα ○ στα ονοματα τους .Μπορει καποιος λοιπον να βοηθησει σε κατι τετοιο? :-\ :-X
  4. Hello Everyone ! Remove thread Thanks.
  5. Hello to all i give items in l2atlantis.com (full all +30 for items in l2pvparea) tnx (|If iam in a wrong section sorry :D )
  6. Hello to all ppl, i would like to ask if we have any .bot working on L2Dubai server (i prefair ingame :) ) tnx allot
  7. Paides kamia idea? Kati na doulevei kai 8a thn broume thn akri? :D
  8. Active : Refresh(Skill) Passive :Shield / Agility
  9. Καλησπερα παιδια θα ηθελα να ζητησω αν εχετε κατα νου σας walker InGame η οτι αλλο γνωριζεται για L2.Dubai. ,θα είμαι υπόχρεος αν γνωρίζατε κάτι έτοιμο να κατεβάσω να μπορέσω να το δουλέψω σχετικά εύκολα ευχαριστώ εκ τον προτερων!
  10. Paides yparxei kanena post me synexh diadikasia xrhshs tou phx giati den briskw akri ?? :) eyxaristw ek ton proterwn
  11. 2 mhnes pou paizw den egine tipota apo osa diavasa (Ektos bebaia tou na xrisimopoihsw kapoio programma -den etuxe den brika den ixera na to doulepsw kai na ebriska) Gia auto akoma psaxnoume!! :D
  12. Οχι φιλε μου αυτο δεν δουλευει το εχω δοκιμασει καιρο τωρα...
  13. I just tested but it doesnt work to me , i use home/ins* and nothing i fix all stats but nothing it doesnt start to attack to anything
  14. Ακριβως φιλε μου!
  15. Ποιος καλός άνθρωπος θα με βοηθήσει να βρω μια άκρη στον server που παίζω!Καθώς από εχθές ο server έχει γεμίσει GB και Mastery Giant.Ας βρούμε ένα τρόπο να έχουμε και εμείς :D (www.l2atlantis.ro ειναι ο σερβερ) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  16. Its the 2nd day that this server l2.atlantis have billion's of GoldBar's something is really running in this server and Create many many items.Mastery Codex and GoldBars are billions! Help us out to found the way xD
  17. Good morning to all, can i ask for 1 support if anyone have free time maybe can tell me if the L2PHX can run on L2atlantis.ro ? (If anyone can tell me what i should do to run it on this server and tell me how and where i found it easy please !:) ) Have fun and take care tnx again :)
  18. Hello to all of you guys,i have 1 Question if there is something posted again i didnt find so many hours searching arround!!! Iam looking for 1 in game walker to works on L2Atlantis.ro and running on Windows 7 ! Iam using the L2.net but only off game (all the time bot is dead) Please help me someone if know's something ,tnx allot! Btw AltantiS
  19. Sorry if it looks like a spaming,but is there any halpex or something like that i can use on l2atlantis.ro ? I listen many ppl use some kind of programms to double items there.If anyone have something or is post it again please give me a link of the location if you have some free time,on my windows 7 i hope i can use something.Tnx for the moment :)
  20. I have just try the one with the Flying mount its only for 1 minute !This is nice ! hehe ;) Iam looking something to make some money more or what ever.If you know anything please post it here where i can go search,cause iam running on windows 7 and its kind of hard to make easy stuff here.. tnx mates! :)
  21. Τhanks allot Erol, i ll try to make both of them! Iam wondering if there is anything about earn GoldBars/ Adena or anything else usefulll !I listen some ppl double create items in this server! (ofc they banned [50.000k Gold Bars -10.000 Mastery Books ])
  22. I think atm i can see many of them so,it will be lovely some one send me to a page that something work !Thanks allot!
  23. Like the title say's .Iam playing atm this server (l2atlantis.ro) its epilogue 2 part. And iam wondering if there anything it can be helpfully there!If you know something guys and it can be easy for you post it here (tnx to admins for the space i can use my post here as iam a new on topics arround ,and tnx for all your ansewrs !{ iam sorry btw if this post is allready have posted or something like that,i search and i didnt found nothing} ) Tnx.
  24. wow this are not good work mate :s btw ty for share.
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