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Posts posted by z0ul0u

  1. i didnt test it but its out of logic as reloop said if the big char make the 49% dmg then another low lvl char must make 50% dmg so u have the drops. but if u use 2 lowl lvl char then it will be:

    high lvl:49%dmg

    low  lvl:25%

    low lvl2:25%

    then the most dmg have been done by the high lvl so u will not have more than 1% of getting the drops

  2. yeah thats my tehnic whem im pissed off -_-

    i cant tell you my real enchant tehnic sry xD im playing on legions.gr and i got dynasty weapon +11 oO

    btw its one stuck sub server and yeah im advertising cuz the server 0wnz

    omg what was that???? u cant tell us ur technic??? and what are u doing on this forum???? here u came for take what u need and hlp in wherever u can!!!!!


    *EDIT: my technic  i just telling to my young brother that if he make me a +16 for ex. i am gonna give him 5 euros.. and there the bot is startng he farming money breaaking farming breaking farming..... until he gets his 5 euro... i pay him but he is the most trustable bot ..no ban no fear and at the end i get my weap.... nice eh???  give it a try

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