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About Equazor

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    United States

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  1. Hello MXC community, I'd like to get some help on how to delete an .exe file automatically, i got a program which gets started again and again after im "killing it" if you can help please let me know, its really important!
  2. Hello people, i need some help on making a signature about CS! I'd like somebody to help me and make for me one picture regarding Counter Strike and adding those words: "Tankers Gaming Community" ! Please i'd appreciate a lot if you could help me and make this signature for me. [the pic is going to be a signature so sizes are simple)
  3. gonna come
  4. topic is clear, a clan member doesnt listen = he gets kicked
  5. dont open it tomorrow, fix the forum, advertise it more and open it in 1 week, a server with such good features deserves atleast 500on
  6. nice features, when srv opens?
  7. anybody can remind me the command? i mean for l2 tower the command is /cfg , i need to know which command to type in order to use pvpsuite.
  8. euro-pvp.com opens today as OBT, be there, much pvps inc!
  9. another member of gutline, btw, waiting you here: l2candy.com ill be on kolczasteanioly side, waiting to rape u again like we did on l2refresh :)
  10. mostDangerous clan, is a Lineage ][ clan witch is compromised of skilled, good and natural players! We don't have any age limit, you have just to be serious and skilled player! mostDangerous clan, is a clan that is built on teamwork and fair gameplay! mostDangerous will be always recruiting new skilled, good and natural players! If you are a respectful and passionate player, then please fill the application form witch is placed on our clan forum, this one, http://stoppedzone.com/ These are our recruiting requirements! 1) No scammers allowed! If you are a scammer or you're trying to be, please gtfo! 2)No unnecessary drama! If you are gonna cry or shout after a lost fight, please gtfo! 3)Active for atleast 4 or 5hours per day! If you are not able to be online for atleast 4 or 5 hours per day please don't make an application! 4)Speak English (written and verbal)! If you don't now english atleast to communicate and understand please don't make an application! 5)Able to use RaidCallvoice program! If you can't be online on RaidCall at mass pvps, sieges or raids then, please gtfo! 6)Able to follow us on every server we play! If you want to join us just for one server then, please gtfo! 7)Able to help others lean how to improve their game play! If you can't stand up somebody's gaming you should help him be better, no flames allowed, if you can do this then, please gtfo! 8)Willing to take critism and learn ways to improve your game play! If we are going to tell you something witch will improve your game play but you don't do it, you will get dismissed! 9)Do what leader says! If you can't follow the leader's commands then, please gtfo! Our forum: http://stoppedzone.com/ Have a nice day!
  12. fail server, its gonna have again 100people and on .online command it will say 300+, and it will close again after 4days like the old one.this admin is unskilled.GGWP
  13. no more ravagers? who will die in 10sec now?:(
  14. Eclipse clan, is a Lineage ][ clan witch is compromised of skilled, good and natural players! We don't have any age limit, you have just to be serious and skilled player! Eclipse clan, is a clan that is built on teamwork and fair gameplay! Eclipse will be always recruiting new skilled, good and natural players! If you are a respectful and passionate player, then please fill the application form witch is placed on our clan forum, this one, http://eclipsecrew.tk/index.php These are our recruiting requirements! 1) No scammers allowed! If you are a scammer or you're trying to be, please gtfo! 2)No unnecessary drama! If you are gonna cry or shout after a lost fight, please gtfo! 3)Active for atleast 4 or 5hours per day! If you are not able to be online for atleast 4 or 5 hours per day please don't make an application! 4)Speak English (written and verbal)! If you don't now english atleast to communicate and understand please don't make an application! 5)Able to use RaidCallvoice program! If you can't be online on RaidCall at mass pvps, sieges or raids then, please gtfo! 6)Able to follow us on every server we play! If you want to join us just for one server then, please gtfo! 7)Able to help others lean how to improve their game play! If you can't stand up somebody's gaming you should help him be better, no flames allowed, if you can do this then, please gtfo! 8)Willing to take critism and learn ways to improve your game play! If we are going to tell you something witch will improve your game play but you don't do it, you will get dismissed! 9)Do what leader says! If you can't follow the leader's commands then, please gtfo! Our forum: http://eclipsecrew.tk/index.php? Have a nice day!
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