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Everything posted by jorvus

  1. Hi, thanks for your reply. I had ini it was just an copy and paste fail ^^ Thank you for mentioning to make system1... idk why i didnt do that in the first place. I did now and it works as intended.
  2. Hi, i want to dual box L2 and run one on high settings and the other on low. I use two shortcuts which use different l2.ini and user.ini files. Now my question is how to use different option.ini files. ...\system\L2.exe -INI=myL2low.ini -USERINI=myUserlow.ini -OPTION=myOptionlow.in This example sadly does not work. Every hint is appreciated.
  3. adr.bot u are awesome as alway. Works perfect thank you. This makes PvP a lot less frustrating :)
  4. Hi, is it possible to use hotkeys in scripts? I'd like to start the following script only if i hit a hotkey, lets say "B". Edit: I tried Script.Suspend and Script.Resume but i dont know how to assign a hotkey. var i:integer; begin for i := 0 to CharList.Count - 1 do begin if Charlist.items(i).attackable and ((User.DistTo(Charlist.Items(i)) < 400)) and not Charlist.items(i).dead then begin engine.settarget(Charlist.items(i)); end; end; end.
  5. First thanks for your fast reply, your great! The problem is, i do have enchanted items in my inventory and as i understand, this code checks if there are ANY enchanted items of the same ID and if yes then it does not use the item. What i want is, to enchant lets say 20 items in a row to +7. If the first item is +7 then use an unenchanted item. Any help is appreciated , meanwhile ill sleep over it, maybe that helps^^
  6. Hi, im working on an enchant script and i try to equip an unenchanted item even if i have some already enchanted in my inventory. How can i equip an unenchanted item instead of the first item in my inventory? I tried this: Engine.UseItem ('Elegia Leather Breastplate', Item.EnchantLevel=0);//if item is not equiped do equip unenchanted but this does not work. can someone help?
  7. Reupload pix plz. Does not work with H5 for me client disconnects me at server choice.
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