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About Shift

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I wanna know what is Buffing/Overbuffing... thanx for being patient with thiz n00b :P
  2. I know sorry... i made a mistake... PLEASE ADMINS MOVE THIS THREAD :p, Thnax for ur help
  3. Dear Forum Friends, I need some help from all of u, as u can see i'm a bit n00b, it's the first time i'm experiencing a mmorpg, i want to know if you could help me testing all the exploits you know, also i wanna learn how to create/mod my engine.dll, everything about tokens, how to get the protocol, checking some security issues in a server, making the l2jwalker work on this server, meaning of buffs, how they work everything u can teach me is welcome. I know dat this can be very annoying for some of u but, i want to learn and i'll be very glad if u help me. *If u wanna help me testing xploits server IP is: User: jarjarbinx Pass: jarjar I'm also having a problem with lineage, when i quit or do ALT+TAB my pc restarts without reason, how can i avoid this annoying thing? Thank You All :wink: .::SHiFT ::.
  4. Hi, everybody... i wanna know if you tested some bugs/exploits the server i've posted... please help me, let me know cuz there lot's of people hack, yesterday a man gave me 30'000'000 million of adena. Also i wanna learn how to make work the method help.htm in this server, web page is http://sod.cistal.com Server IP: Account: Login: jarjarbinx Password: jarjar
  5. Where's the screenshot....
  6. Doesn't w0rk 4 me... :(
  7. Yeah me too... map and killing monstah screens :P... i've been looking for that place and nothing yet...
  8. Pleaseeeee! for god sakes.... help me where can i find the super exp monstah?... plz upload us a picture of it map/monster. Thank You All.... :)
  9. Hi! Everybody... i'm glad to be here sharing with u, i need favor :P , could u please test the Server Symphony of Darkness, i've created an account for all of you who wants to testy it... it's LOGIN: jarjarbinx Pass: jarjar Or the link here http://sod.cistal.com/cp/index.php?act=create --> to crate an account. Thanx a lot for ur help, take care. PLEASEEEEE HELP ME!
  10. nothing about the megahack pass yet?
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