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Everything posted by Emi

  1. LF a script to get reward from npc. i have 100k items and 1x Need 400 items. https://l2db.info/high-five/quests/290-Threat-Removal its the quest Pinaps Quest Threat Removal (In Progress) Take the Reward repeat greets
  2. Hey lf a auto enchater or interface mod for interlude on the server euro-pvp new x1200. Anyone can help me? i test all mods now and no one works for me. greets
  3. i want to use it on euro-pvp NEW x1200, but it wont work. I get all time Anti Cheat message. u can fix it plz? greets
  4. Hey lf a anti captcha script for adrenalin and server l2dragon.net. any can give me on plz greets
  5. Hey lf a anti captcha script for adrenalin and server l2dragon.net. any can give me on plz greets
  6. Hey i lf a script for my PP and my BD. I make subclass and i need to inv buff me pof/dances and than kick it. anyone can help me greets
  7. Hey guys, anyone can make me a script for hit my own kookaburra for recharge me? I dont know how it works, or i can set it on Adrenalin? greets
  8. Hey, i play on a private L2 e Global ,server whit smartguard protection. I will run a Blade Dancer on vmware and autoit. I need only he do dances, not more. My problem is the autoit script wont work. If i start the script he do nothing Here is my script, mb i do some wrong? If i tab out and tab in, he use the "7" but nothing more. #RequireAdmin HotKeySet("{ESC}","_exit") WinActivate("Lineage II") WinWaitActive("Lineage II") While 1 Sleep(120000) Send("7") Sleep(3000) Send("8") Sleep(3000) Send("9") WEnd Func _exit() Exit EndFunc if anyone has some tips for me. greets
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