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Posts posted by Granny

  1. As i see a good clan AllStars will join at Cosmic. It looks very good.

    We have a good number of people backing us. Because our philosophy and work is simply the best out there.


    People have recognized this. It should be a good launch my friends.




  2. If i can... ;P


    Eva's Saint looking for Polish/International Cp/Clan.


    I play EE from 2 years. 

    ~age: 17

    ~active: 6-12h everyday

    ~Can use: TeamSpeak/Mumble


    Gram EE od 2 lat

    ~wiek: 17

    ~aktywność: 6-12h codziennie

    ~używam: TS/Mumble



    skype: p.m.m.01

    gg: 52126436


    That's a more positive note. Love it!


    Reminder about a few things.




    LIVE: January 10




    The first step to getting your free donation coins (50 easy coins)

    PART 1


    The first part requires you to reach warrior rank in our forum (20+ posts). This will award you 50 cosmic coins. It really wouldn't take you that long to acquire this reward, perhaps 5 minutes of browsing through our forum threads and posting. The posts must be meaningful and any spam will be deleted by our moderators. So don't try to trick yourself out of an easy ass reward ;)





    The second step to getting your free donation coins (100 easy coins)

    PART 2


    The second part involves your support here at MXC and is even easier! Simply change your signature to show your support for our great server. Show others that your an MXC warrior in collaboration with the L2Cosmic way of life. Show others that you no longer want to play on corrupt/broken servers. Make the right choice and give us some love. By changing your signature you'll be awarded 100 cosmic coins.





    Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile:

    In total, if you complete both events, you will amass a total of 150 cosmic coins, earning yourself a free VIP for the first month. It's really as easy as that. No hidden strings, no funny business. I will personally grant you your reward at launch. You'll just need to give me your nickname on the MXC forum and the L2Cosmic forum. I can verify the signature and forum rank with that information and process your reward.



    Combined that 150 cosmic coins. This can buy you VIP for one month, either the XP bonus/offline shop or the autoloot. Pretty sweet deal for very little work :)




  3. Happy Birth Day! ^_^


    Thanks brother!



    granny shud be banned from the forum, hes adversting his server spamming on every possible topics, just to show his banner. pathetic.


    I'm not quite doing this. This is a forum. And frankly the posts I make are generally informative or add something to a topic. No offense, but this is a big step up from the drizzle the majority of you guys contribute to threads. If I went through all your posts the sheer degree of spam would certainly trump what you call spam. Guys bumping posts having stupid banters back and forth about chat bans and such. I am usually careful with my words and if I find a thread genuinely interesting, then I will post. I am free to do this, as anyone else is. I'm also fond of wishing new projects luck, because unlike you, I don't want to see others fail and dance to their misery. I just happen to have a server, but I am still a member of this community with the right to post in any thread. Keep your forum justice to yourself mate ;)



    I don't know, but it just annoys me by reading "Cheers, Granny" in every single post


    LOL. Does it? Cheers mate.



    he is owner of server?

    this guy got too much time on his hands to afford this 24/7 spamming


    The hypocrisy in this post is just too much.


    even if u make fake accs

    doesnt change the fact that u wont get more than 30+ real people from maxcheaters.


    You want people?

    buy votes/invest in traffic 


    "seo doesnt help in l2"

    "spam does a bit"

    "making fake accs on mxc definetely not help improving online"


    Granny i still dont know why ur wasting days of ur life spamming in mxc for everyone to see ur banners


    You know you wont get more than 30-50 people from here. MxC is not populated as it looks


    All people come from hopzone/topzone and other popular topsites, people dont like unnofficial/unadvertised servers or spammed servers. they wont even bother look at them


    I have not made one fake account on MXC. The genuine interest in my project is real because I'm not a moron, whereas the majority of server admins are, well, borderline incompetent. I will not name any names but if you're asking yourself, could he be talking about me? Then it's probably you. I'm also a fairly likeable guy that has led many successful groups/clans/projects in the past, so people always come to support me and appreciate how I do things as a leader and boss. My mates always pinch in when I try something new. They're not dogs. They're friends. There's a difference in how I think. L2Cosmic has a lot of good people behind it. Don't confuse my supporters with fake accounts, because I have not force one positive review or pushed people to make fake accounts. Let's get that straight.


    Secondly, I am not wasting my time posting in these threads. I genuinely like learning and communicating with individuals on MXC and, for this reason, have made many friends. Unfortunately as you generate a buzz you will also get the pessimistic haters along the way. They revel in seeing your project fail because that's just how these people are. Again, if you have to ask yourself, is he talking about me? Probably. They'll find any reason to nitpick at  your work or progress; I've worked with these types in the past. And to you, I say, good riddance. Save me the stress.


    Lastly, by assuming this is my only source of advertising reveals to me that you haven't done one ounce of homework. Let me tell you this, if you want to call me out, please do some research so I don't need to waste my time correcting you like an adult does to a his or her child.


    Don't hate on me for bringing you a server with substance. 90% of this community's posts complain about corruption. Looking for ways to call out servers for their evil ways. Since you can't find shit on me, you try to hit me in the only source you have, my posting. So troll.


    Well, I'll try to enjoy the rest of my birthday. Shame on these posts for trying to jab at me on today of all days.


    I shouldn't have to defend myself like this. But I hope this clears up any confusion ;)




  4. hahahaha! hell no. I dont want swag! I hate swaggers xD. At least the typical ones in the netherlands. Not sure how they pretent to be in your country..... Guess ill stop promoting before the swaggers start to atk me


    Haha, well, they were kind words. And we don't force anyone to say anything nice. It just seems to happen :)






    Today is my birthday. WOOOOOOOHOOOOO, another year older :(


    Show me some love by coming out to our beta on January 04th. I've put a lot of my blood into L2Cosmic and need the help of this community. Yes, there are other projects out there. But stick by me and we'll deliver the best L2 experience this world has ever seen. Because you deserve it!


    So give Granny a nice LATE birthday present this winter :)


    Come join our forum: http://l2cosmic.com/forum

    Browse our site: http://l2cosmic.com


    All the best!




  5. Makes sense.


    If anyone knows any good advertising platforms, aside from TOPS/FB/Twitch/Forums, please let me know. We're doing quite well with these platforms but more would certainly be appreciated.




  6. Project looks very nice, but granny is everywhere on mxc!


    we need 10 signature, sign with your name below mine...

    1: stallonky talesky











    2. Granny


    I support this petition.



    Waiting for Stalone to insert something there.



    ROFLROFLROFL omg I burst out. Nothing against aych but that photo is just so troll.




  7. 90% of my exams are from January to mid February. I'm from Czech Republic, but I'd say majority of Europe's colleges have exam peaks in January o.O


    Fuck exams. I expect to see you at our open beta brother! Otherwise you're in for some serious Granny scolding :D


    Good luck on the finals, lol. ;)




  8. haha and be one of a dozen servers?


    Guys i've been on the  cosmic forum for some time now and i gotta say the GMs are very active, helpful and friendly! Another good reason to join!


    This guy deserves some swag. Give 'em some lovin' ;)




  9. Whats that thing in here... caring about who is who ? I am kinda new to mxc.. And rly wondering,why when somebody is advertising his project.. Ppl caring about WHO the dev is  ?  


    Good luck with ur project dude. :)


    Because often people that owned previous servers have done shady or scumbag things. So, when they reopen something and it starts to grow, forum warriors will warn other players of their identity. Often the same people recycle servers over and over as a sort of cash cow.


    But if you have an honest practice or philosophy, then you really don't need to hide your identity.


    Hope this helps.




  10. Spamming all our threads just makes you guys look desperate. Sorry but it's probably not a good PR method.


    People will play if it's a good project. If not, they will not play.


    Simple as that :)





    LOL. I like this actually. I remember exams. That was a pretty tiresome part of my life :D


    come join l2pow if u are tired of stalone or mouse or servers that last max 1 month or fail after few days :)....i see on beta on l2pow many new things, many new events and stuff the i never saw before , plus its not like stalone/mouse servers for $$ , its for the players too...its a balance thing :) , and u`ll never see OP items like the hidden donations from tales and sht 

    l2pow and test urself :)


    Bombing our thread? Classy.


    Quick security update:


    We're currently working on implementing 3 proxy shields to prevent DDOS downtime. This means that if our server is hit with DDOS, we can switch to a proxy buffer that is clean and absorb additional attacks up to 3 consecutive times. Each proxy shield is a designated scrubbing center so each can filter large attacks. This equates to 3 layers of defense against all forms of booting.


    We've got you covered this New Year community.


    We work this hard to give you the best server in 2015. So take a chance on us, where you can:


    Play the best, forget the rest ;)


    Happy Holidays




  12. How about an adena donation for 3rd :)


    I understand and thank you for taking time to answer my question.


    No worries. It's my job to answer questions :)


    This would be possible if we had some way of approximating the markets, which we do not. So it is highly unlikely to have an adena class change for tier 3. It's best not to meddle with adena fixed prices because it is very difficult to gauge whether something is too cheap or too pricy. I hope this makes sense.


    The class change sucks, but everyone will be in the same boat. It's just one aspect of a very BIG game and experience.


    So I wouldn't sweat it too hard. You'll live through it ;)


    Hope this helps.


    Be sure to tell your friends about our launch and beta.


    JANUARY 10, 2015 ---> LIVE

    JANUARY 04, 2015 ---> BETA


    Thanks for the interest! We love hearing back from the community. Especially if it's feedback related.




  13. Server looks great, but I find it kind of bold to start during the toughest war of exam period - I'm pretty sure most people will want to study then.


    I'm surprised you still have exams then. Most people, I was under the impression, were finished with exams by mid January. At least here in Canada, they complete exams before the New Year.


    And what are exams? NEVERMIND EXAMS. Come play L2, your heart wants to grind mobs :D




    Good luck on your finals. Check us out on your break. There's never any rush.




  14. When your server launches you 'll find out that the douchbag level of your competitors is from outer space.

    Good luck.You 'll need it.


    I'm sure it's astronomical. As for luck, everyone needs luck. There's always a hint of luck to drive us all to success. But I think it's better to prepare months of work ahead of time so you don't rely solely on luck.


    Luck is unreliable :D




  15. Hi Dyk1,


    1. I can give everyone 5 cosmic coins. With this you can purchase the VIP auto-loot for 1 day. We've decided that it would be better to keep the auto loot independent from the VIP pack so players can obtain this feature without needing to get the XP/SP bonus. This essentially saves them a bit of cash if all they seek is the auto-loot. You can buy the feature for as many days as you want. The auto-loot is at cost: 5 cosmic coins / day. As for the party, you can turn off the feature any time once you buy it. So, if you're in a group, you may freely disable your automated looting to make it fair, and simply turn it back on when you're solo.


    2. The 3rd class cannot be offered. Because it is such an important transition (when u get skills that are worthwhile) and takes so long, having people skip it with the click of a button is unfair to the people that cannot donate. Yes the class change quest blows, I agree, but in the spirit of equality it is a feature I cannot justify for the donation list. Sorry.


    My best advice for classes that cannot farm well is to do the quest together, as a group. This is a team oriented game, you should always make friends for circumstances like these :D


    Hope this helps.




  16. It actually looks like a nice healthy beta. I think congratulations are certainly in order. It's not L2Tales size beta but that's to be expected because people still play on Tales. So the community is divided, essentially.


    From our staff, good job guys. Pretty impressive for having very little ads floating about on the interwebs. And hopefully the no-epic policy sticks. It's nice to see that change in the mid-rate policy.


    Probably bigger than we'll get, which is hard for me to admit ;)


    Anyways, good luck with the launch from us.




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