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Posts posted by Granny

  1. Your day needs to focus on things other than my work. Cosmic is doing quite well despite your words. I am working on updating the site with a few photos today. We don't have a zerg of players but we certainly do have activity.




    So, to others that are looking for a place with gm activity and a plethora of fun/helpful players (with the exception of a few - haha), you're certainly welcome to come try us out.




  2. I thought I changed them. I will change the OP now. As for our growth it is not ground breaking numbers but we have three large clans working hard every day and our community is really helpful / supportive of not only keeping us alive but tutoring new players with academies and gear. Sieges starts on the 15th so come check it out if you're looking for a small-group experience without the zerg mentality.


    TY mod for moving us ;)




  3. This was at launch yes. x6 was the value. And this was a mistake. But allow me to make something clear.


    No one is forcing you to play on our server. We have a pretty awesome community that have supported us beyond expectations. We have our server fees paid for a few months ahead of time and a very active staff, despite our low population at the moment. If you want me to be frank, the type of players we don't need are the whiny little kids that cannot fathom the work and care we put into the everyday experience at Cosmic. At the current rate, we have no financial reason to close this server. Our amazing players make sure of this fact. You are always given the free will to server hop and complain on threads for the rest of your days. But you can also make the decision to stick with something that is good and see it through. But I'm not here to lecture you on how to live your life.


    We will continue to grow as other zerg servers close. I know this because I monitor the demographic and see new faces everyday. Our amazing community is not only very supportive but welcoming to new players. It is in my opinion an environment I would have loved when I was a player.




  4. Hi guys,


    We're steadily growing and building a nice community. If you're bored or looking to play L2 again in a nice friendly non-corrupt way come check us out. We started a great summer melon event to help newcomers grab a few things like gear and such. It will last a good 3-4 weeks.


    Hope to see you there ;)




  5. It's not all about online this online that. Sometimes we need to focus on providing the quality support even if you have 100 players and not just treat everything as an online count.




  6. You know I need to thank MeVsYou for his words because he was absolutely right. As GM's we should not sit there and give up on ideas or concepts because they are not the most profitable idea compared to other servers like Tales or Cartel. I had a long time to sit and think about the future of L2Cosmic, "Do I scrap the server and try again or do I support the small community we've built?"


    The answer to this question depends on why you've started this project in the first place. I've decided to not give up on my player community. We have instead taken the plethora of advice given to use from disgruntled players and implemented the concepts to make the server a little easier in the long run. The server will still remain true to its origin and be a low-rate community, but we understand the mistakes we made in preparing the experience more for the hardcore crowd (relatively speaking) and less for the average player that just wants a low rate stable environment.


    We've worked together with our small community and decided to do a relaunch on January 17, 2015, giving new players a chance to join our small group and build on something together. I don't plan for this to be a zerg server, but if you have your hopes on playing with a tight-knit community of great people then you're welcome to come check us out again on the 17th.


    We're not here to revolutionize the L2 world. We realize this now and have taken a step back to breathe and evaluate our principles. For the record, we are very proud of all our players and look forward to the new server features.


    So when you're done with cartel, tales, and the next big thing, feel free to come check out our small group. We'll always be here for you when there's nowhere else to go, small or not ;)


    Here's a list of the new features on the 17th of January:




    Lastly, I just want to end this and say that we came very close to giving up and it was the support of great players that gave me the strength to continue this project.


    **All donators will start with the original donation amount in their virtual bank, so rest assured you will be compensated for the relaunch.**


    We listened to the constructive criticism. We took it into consideration. And now we've made some changes to better serve the community. This will be the final revision for L2Cosmic, and we look forward to your feedback.


    Ah yes, lastly, regarding the fake counter. We WILL NOT be using a fake online for the relaunch. This mistake will be remedied with a fresh new start. We won't have that big bang that other server have but we are prepared to stay behind our community 100% and will not resort to these cheap tactics any longer.




  7. I told them month ago, that will be fail  :). They killed this server through silly settings.


    I agree, but this is a learning experience. We will keep this server up for what it is. I was expecting higher hopes for L2Cosmic but it will not be as I dreamed. So, we will just need to build on these mistakes in the future.


    The server has been changed slightly,


    1. LUX shop is in adena.

    2. class change up to 3rd is now free.




  8. Hate is normal. I've addressed the fake counter and it was A HUGE mistake on our part. It was not my idea to do this part and found out a few hours after launch that the config had been changed without my knowledge. This I am very dissappointed about but we tried to break into a low-rate hybrid market and it wasn't as successuful. This is life.


    For the record, this troll is not going anywhere ;)




  9. I am not here to criticize anyone, but Granny, you mentioned that you are working on another High Rate server, while you are in the 1st day-opening of this server.

    Come on..... This is not good to say even if you are willing to do it.

    Try harder for this one (don't try to create more than one - as the rest 90% of L2 server owners), even if you hadn't the ideal opening.


    It is just an advice, nothing more and nothing else.

    I am not a player of your server, but I wish once again good luck!


    You misunderstand me. My team is working on creating another project whilst I focus on L2Cosmic DRS. I am not here to screw anyone over. As it stands we will keep L2Cosmic DRS up if we can sustain the monthly fees. I love our community and don't want you to look bad on us in any way. We are constantly in development here at Cosmic, this includes exploring other project as we work. So keep this in mind and try to understand that we are doing our best to provide the best service for what we can work with in this niche market we've chosen.


    If you want my personal 2 cents, I think it was a success. It sounds crazy, but you take any low-rate project nowadays in H5 that is trying to break into this market and at tops they manage to get 5-10 players. For what it's worth, I am very proud of my team and my players, because we managed to hit 250 on launch, which of course was masked by the stupid fake counter, but 250 is a pretty solid number for a project like this


    I will be changing the fake online tonight and continuing ads to give you guys as much traffic.




  10. Nothing is ever fail guys. It's all perspective.


    We had a fake online initiated by someone without my knowledge and this is something I am not happy about. So I was not aware of this nonsense and will always triple check from now on before going live. I am proud of all my players and will keep the server up for as long as there are people willing to play on it. We never expected a high population, but we will stick to our foundations and philosophies for this server and any future servers as well ;)


    I consider anything that has willing people to play a success. The issue is that our chronicle and structure is simply not ideal for today's markets. And this is something we were willing to face head on.


    We're currently in the works on a brand new High Rate that you may find more enticing than a classic h5 hybrid low rate. So stay tuned.


    Hope this helps.




  11. Live in 3 hours boys. Way more than I was expecting joining us.


    Everyone here deserves a great round of applause for the support and love you gave us..


    Let's make it a good L2 year!




  12. Excuse me, we are discussing within context. Allow me to explain, we are all gamers and in the demographic that knows computers very well. So, this java source is a better example of knowledgeable individuals and their preference towards browsers. The wiki stat ecompasses the masses of idiots, morons, and clueless people that still use IE, because old ladies, dads that just learned to use comps, and the elderley use wikipedia too alongside gamers and the younger generation. Those stats represent a different demographic, certainly not l2 players.


    About 5% of my hits come from IE, why? Because people that have a brain don't use it. Secondly, we can fix our CSS, we need to work around a few things and this takes time. Time which we do not have as launch approaches.


    Thirdly, I do not fix scirpts in game.  I hire professional russians from within L2-Scripts to do my work properly. This is why we're not a joke server.


    Hope this helps ;)




  13. he's Gonna epic fail like the trash he is

    stupid brs spamming like shet in other people servers 24/24 & saying how shet the server is, im going to laugh when you show us your " true server " and at opening you have 20 online and at least 70 bugs and some big exploits on a trash pack with horrible balance with 0 features and 200 mistakes before grand opening and 0 experience ,0 english knowledge


    Im waiting for your opening Alena

    ah dont worry, you are too nonfactor for me to mess with you


    just gonna have my laugh at your pile of junk files with "quality"

    trashfactor... learn from this mistake and back to your cave 

    enjoy -50/100 euro profit and gtfo

    I think you have anger problems bro. You don't need to spam every thread with hatred. I think it's getting old...




  14. yes... from what i see this server looks like another Gangstarr. Maybe this server is good but i don't like this pay2win donation system... such server ruined the lineage 2 passion. stop being greedy admins... sometimes less is more!


    Sorry brother I disagree. We're about as far from paytowin as we can be. All our donations have very limited impact on the extended gameplay so I dunno how you can call use p2w. We worked very hard to make a platform that is balanced between the donator and farmer. Yes you can donate for shots, but u can also buy shots from players. So this has no impact aside from allowing donators to save a bit of adena. Not much mind u in the grand scheme of the game play.


    We go live in 2 days guys. The countdown is on the website. It will NOT WORK in IE because IE sucks and we don't have the time to revamp an entire theme because of one outdated browser.




    See you there ;)




  15. We never planned to introduce an npc buffer. I want the EE to feel like an EE. Same goes for SWS/BD.


    EDIT, what I mean to say is, we never planned to introduce one if we kept the hybrit low rate. If we switched to mid-rate, then yes we would have. Sorry for confusion if there was any.

    We're growing faster/bigger than I expected. Remember guys, we're not exactly a classic mid-rate server. So we will not have a population like Tales or Cartel. But we're an honest project that will never cheese your hard work to gain a few donations. We truly are proud and honored to have a community as awesome as ours!

    Thanks for all this my friends.



  16. Greetings friends,


    Day 2 of beta is now complete. We've had a great time at olympiad all day and I daresay I got some of my DA skills back, huhu.


    Firstly, I'd like to address the community by saying that we've met a good quota for proceeding with launch. So L2Cosmic will be alive and thriving for the next few months because of great players like yourselves! We appreciate all the support and love everyone has given us. Our thanks, sincerely.


    We will remain as a retail hybrid server without MP pots or npc buffer. This gives all classes the opportunity to shine, including buffers and supports like SwS/BD. We owe everyone here a great round of applause for giving us a chance to flourish.


    So, thank your for everything!


    We look forward to the launch!



    -Granny Cosmic

  17. Not everyone plays beta folks. We had about 80-90 players when we opened it went pretty okay. I had to reboot server a few times so fix a few things.

    Beta is a beta. I personally never played betas and always waited for launch.

    I think it went pretty well.

    That being said, I've told everyone that we will be making a decision after this beta whether we will keep the dynamic rates or switch to a mid-rate with buffer and perks kind of structure because to maintain a mid-low rate server we need a healhty population. We'll do our best to accomdodate to the needs of the community but if we see that the hybrid server will not sustain then we will switch to the more popular mid-high rate structure and keep our core philosophies of no greed / exploits.

    We shall see :D



    Come out and give us some love ;)


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