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Everything posted by milosenko

  1. today this man scammed me 30 €
  2. WTB Adena on Core+Tiat, pm offers need about 20 B. No scammers. Pay with paypal. Thanks
  3. up 150 €, paypal only also sell kamael archer 76 with mj l set sealed +bop+-5 sealed = 50 €
  4. price 300 € only paypal transfer
  5. up, adena sold lvl 82 now
  6. added adena to sell
  7. As topic says WTS Archer lvl 82 at L2 ESSENCE BLUE GEAR: Full Majestic Set Sealed +4 + Majestic Sigil +4 WIND ATTRIBUTE AT LVL. 4 ! Brooch lv. 4 with - onyx 4 !!!, zircon 3, amber 3, coral 3, moonstone 3, spinnel 2, opal 2 + some others lv. 2 are in warehouse Talisman Bracelet lv. 4 with - aden +6, eva +5, speed +5, AUTHORITY +6 ! Dragon belt +5 DYES: 3x BEST DYE OF STR+4 - CON -2 Agathion Bracelet lv. 4 with - Ignis +6, Nebullla +5, Procella +5 Cloak of Protection +2 Jewels: Valakas Necklace, DV Earrings, TOI rings + many are in warehouse Napoleon Hat STR+1 INT+1 PM ON FORUM ONLY SERIOUS OFFERS !
  8. up, price 140 USD contact me on skype : milosenko598
  9. Hello WTS necromancer 71 and Shilien Elder 64 on l2classic.club. All characters are naked. Characters are on same master account so has to be sold together. You can log both in same time they are just on same master acc not same game account. I'm the owner of them so no problems with email. Contact me on skype : milosenko598
  10. he scammed my healer ban him
  11. up decreased price only 180€ for all, contact skype milosenko598 or pm on forum
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