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About JesusHalp

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. great skills
  2. like this?
  3. http://wowlouco.mybrute.com make one and lets all fight each other :P
  4. make a spoiler lol then make the char you like the most
  5. .gotolove is cool when you got zariche :>
  6. too bad youtube sucks
  7. the site looks a bit ugly..
  8. SB reminds me of the c3 so i prefer it
  9. does it works on css?
  10. you can also make some macros with the weapon + skills, something like when you click the macro it equips the weapon and uses the skills for example frenzy + zealot and battle roar
  11. didnt work here
  12. yap cool, but i think that they can caught you with that auto-enchant
  13. exactly, and it works in some servers lol
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