Where does this information come from? There is no decent IL community waiting at all. IL community is fragile with only few good EU/NA clans still playing it and GM of this server has already made sure noone of those clans will ever play on his server.
Selling gear and epics on Interlude e-global x10
Add me on skype Sellesan123 (BG). Accepting Paypal f&f
Donate shop items:
Global coins - 100GC/5e
Apella heavy set - 8e
Homu + acu - 4e
Orcish pole+wb -4e
Berserker blade+f -4e
cursed dagger- 3e
Gear (negotiable price):
2x DC robe set
1x Draconic Bow
1x Heavens Divider
Any S weapon recipe + keys
1x Ring of Queen Ant
EE 78 + subclass
Necro 77
First of all learn how to post like a human. 20pts fonts is not the way.
Secondly, do not spam my topic with fake info from their ex-PR manager. There are flame sections for that.
Selling gear and epics on Interlude e-global x10
Add me on skype Sellesan123 (BG). Accepting Paypal f&f
Donate shop items:
Global coins - 100GC/8e
Apella heavy set - 12e
Homu + acu - 7e
Orcish pole+wb -7e
Berserker blade+f -7e
cursed dagger- 4e
Gear (negotiable price):
2x DC robe set
1x Draconic Bow
1x Heavens Divider
Any S weapon recipe + keys
1x Ring of Queen Ant
EE 78 + subclass
Necro 77
WTS items and chars on RaidFight x4 GF server.
Duelist 84 lvl skill+++
S84 duals +++
S84 blunt
S84 dagger
S80 HV set 60el
S80 light set 60el
Draco light set
Full epic jewelry set
Chars and epics
For more details or offers PM here on forum, or Skype: salazar slitherin (MC, UK)