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  1. Hello, I want to buy a pack + sorce L2aCis server I'm not interested in those who cheat to buy, I want to see the servo inside. I ask for seriousness ! That's what I want to have on the server. Custom mods CHAR ================================================================================== Custom Starting Adena Custom Starting Buffs Custom Starting Items Custom AutoEquip 3r hange Job System Custom Start Level Custom Newbies System Custom Anti Heavy System Custom Karma Teleport System Custom /Escape System Custom Over Enchat & Punish System Custom Limit System Custom PvP Pk title System Custom Heavy System Custom Elfocrash's Pvp Enchant System Custom inventory weight System Custom Disable For All Weapon All Classes Custom AntiBot System Custom AIO System Custom VIP System ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Full Faction System By Cafy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ================================================================================== PVP ================================================================================== Shows the other player's stats quake system Announces Global PvP Farm Chat WarLegendAura Add status Hero ================================================================================== Custom Commands CHAR And Bypass html ================================================================================== Comando .online Comando .buffs Comando .changepass Comando .castlemanager Comando .chaos .order Comando .base Comando .cl Comando .repair Comando .url Comando .survey Comando .joinchaos .leavechaos Comando .killboss Comando .menu Comando .hero Comando .start .mageitems .daggeritems .bowitems Comando .adm Comando .sex Comando .playcumbia Comando .playlentos Comando .playdance Comando .playpop Comando .playradio Comando .exit Comando .helpcolor Comando .showheros Comando .online Comando .siegekills Comando .drawnsymbol .removesymbol Comando .withdraw .deposit ================================================================================== Custom Commands ADMIN ================================================================================== <!-- AIO System--> admin_setaio admin_removeaio admin_showaio <!-- VIP System--> admin_setvip admin_removevip <!-- ADMIN SURVEY --> admin_survey_start admin_survey_results admin_opmore admin_opless admin_survey_run1 admin_survey_run2 admin_survey_run3 admin_survey_run4 admin_survey_qset admin_survey_ans1set admin_survey_ans2set admin_survey_ans3set admin_survey_ans4set admin_survey_ans5set admin_survey_end admin_survey_results admin_team1 admin_team2 admin_clearteam <!-- Chaos Event --> admin_startchaos admin_endchaos admin_warnchaos <!-- ADMIN CUSTOM --> admin_helpme admin_massefect admin_endmassefect admin_massinvul admin_endmassinvul admin_masshero admin_massnoble admin_massheal admin_recallall admin_senddonate admin_givedonate ================================================================================== Npcs ================================================================================== Raid Boss Info Buffer Merchant GM SHOP Achievements BugReport Newbie Npc Item Marketer Teleporter Global Faction Faction Order Buffer Faction Chaos Buffer Status Npc Rank VoteManager Auction Manager ================================================================================== Events ================================================================================== Chaos Event Survey Event Kill Rb Event ================================================================================== Others ================================================================================== Custom Autoreward System Custom Autorestart System Custom Random Zone PvP System Show Players Online GS System Custom Enchant System Custom Enchant Announce System Custom Full Enchant Protect System Banking System Skill Duration Custom Subclass Every Where Magister #======================================== # Show Welcome PM on start # #======================================== # PMWelcomeShow = True PMServerName = L2jWoh PMText1 = Have Fun and Nice Stay on PMText2 = Vote for us every 24h # Show Server Time to player on start ShowServerTimeOnStart = True AnnounceLordsEnter = True AnnounceHeroEnter = True AnnounceNoblesEnter = True AnnounceVipsEnter = True AnnounceGmsEnter = True AnnounceTops = True #======================================== # Clan Leader Color Title Name # #======================================== # Clan Name Color Enabled? ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = True ClanLeaderColor = 00BFFF ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 5 # Clan Title Color Enabled? ClanLeaderTitleColorEnabled = True ClanLeaderTitle = 00BFFF ClanLeaderTitleAtClanLevel = 5 #======================================== # Restrictions settings # #======================================== # Enable restriction for shout/trade voice # Usable values: PVP, LEVEL, NONE # Default: NONE ShoutRestrictionType = LEVEL TradeRestrictionType = NONE # Restriction values for shout/trade voice # Default: 0, 0 ShoutRestrictionValue = 20 TradeRestrictionValue = 0 #======================================== # Oly Skills Restrictions settings # #======================================== #Enable skill protection OlySkillProtect = True #If true, then protect against these skills: (id1,id2,...) OllySkillId = 0 #======================================== # Anti Farm System # #======================================== # You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod. AntiFarmEnabled = True # You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod. # AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally. AntiFarmParty = True AntiFarmIP = True AntiFarmClanAlly = True # You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod. # AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff. AntiFarmLvlDiff = False AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30 # You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod. # AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff. AntiFarmPdefDiff = False AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300 # You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod. # AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff. AntiFarmPatkDiff = False AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300 # If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm) AntiFarmSummon = False #======================================== # Mastery Restriction # #======================================== # True activar (No deja a los players usar sets que no tengan maestria) , False desactivado (Los players pueden usar cualquier set) MasteryRestriction = True #======================================== # Limits # #======================================== # Run speed modifier. Example: Setting this to 5 will # give players +5 to their running speed. # Default: 0 RunSpeedBoost = 0 # Maximum character running speed. # Default: 250 MaxRunSpeed = 250 # Maximum character Physical Critical Rate. (10 = 1%) # Default: 500 MaxPCritRate = 500 # Maximum character Magic Critical Rate. (10 = 1%) # Default: 200 MaxMCritRate = 200 # Maximum character Attack Speed. # Default: 1500 MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500 # Maximum character Cast Speed. # Default: 1999 MaxMAtkSpeed = 1999 # Maximum character Evasion. # Default: 250 MaxEvasion = 250 # Maxmum character Accuracy # Default: 300 MaxAccuracy = 300 #======================================== # Announce Raid Boss # #======================================== # Announce Raid Boss ->Dead or Alive<-. AnnounceRaidBosKill = True # Announce Raid Boss ->Dead or Alive<-. AnnounceGranBosKill = True # Nobles al Matar a Barakiel - # Activa o Desactiva el Mod Nobles de Barakiel . # Default: False RaidBossNobles = True Actualization 12/2/2017 Announce PvP Kill #======================================== Announce Pk Kills #======================================== Announce Aio On Enter #======================================== Announce Pk Enter #======================================== Announce New Character Created On Enter Name/Class/Town/Level #======================================== Advanced Log in Admin custom After Nick-Name [Head-GM]-GmMaster/[ADMIN]-Admin/Town #======================================== Balance Class = Classes critical Damage multiplier (Ex: in DuelistDamage = 2.0 class Duelist will do 2x critical Damage, values can be float) #======================================== News Play = CharTitle/CharTitleColor/NameColor/CustomStartLvl/ #======================================== Trade augment weapon = Enable augment weapon trade? #======================================== Npcs With Aura = Npcs with Red circle aura #======================================== Champions Aura = Npcs Champions with circle aura /0 - No Aura/1 - Blue Aura/3 - Random Aura(1 or 2) #======================================== Npc L2MarketNpc ID = 50059 #======================================== # AIO Command System # # Command Remove Aio = .removestat # #======================================== Command Aio system = .aio30 .aio60 .aio90 .aio365 Npc Aio system Id = 50065 #======================================== # VIP System # # Command Remove Vip = .removestat # #======================================== Command Vip system = .vip30 .vip60 .vip90 .vip365 Npc Vip system Id = 50066 #======================================== Clan items For LvLs 1 To 8 Clan Item/Clan Item1/Clan Item2/Clan Item3/Clan Item4/Clan Item5/Clan Item6/Clan Item7 #======================================== Noble custom Item/Clan #======================================== Recomender Custom Item #======================================== Golds Bar For Adena By Dagger = .gold #======================================== Adena For Gold Bars By Dagger = .regold #======================================== Full Races On War Event #======================================== Custom Autoflag Zone Town System #======================================== Custom Autoflag Zone Town System
  2. Hello, is there a stable server available and what is the price? thank you !
  3. I've started this project 2 month ago and i think its 99% ready. I wanted to make something clean, easy to use and no advertising. So what's the idea? free for all! I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel but I'm trying to make something professional. There is no premium option but i intend to implement some kind of vip account. You don't have to pay anything for the vip. We require only a link back to our homepage and you receive a position on our Recommended Servers Section. The order is going to be random. Here are a few examples of pages: Home page http://www.rankpvp.com Top Servers http://www.rankpvp.com/lineage2/ Server page Vote page I will try to update this post with new changes that we bring on the site. Version 1.0 - March 21, 2014 Added: page: home/top/submit/edit Added: forum (smf) Fixed: forum integration with rankpvp.com Added: page: server page Added: page: vote page Added: sorting by age: newest/oldest Added: sorting by country Added: sorting by type Added: banner generator based on server details Added: uptime bot Fixed: uptime formula Added: bot for votes (votes are counted every 10 minutes) See you on the 1st position on our top p.s. * Planning to add api. The servers admins will be able to pull data from our website directly on server. That means that u can reward individual players for their votes. For example you can make an Vote Shop with prices in votes or you just make a list of top voters on your website and so on.
  4. Thank you bro for accept , nice top from l2 !
  5. Go to play in mid rate please !
  6. so what ? l2jfrozen it's stable srv lol
  7. Website under construction !
  8. Will be see in a game !
  9. Server L2Gigant OPEN BETA Link for download http://www.4shared.com/rar/k5i5PFB3ce/Server_Beta_Patch_v01.html? Grand Open 1.3.2014 Website: http://l2gigant.com L2 Gigant is a new L2J Server unique gameplay. L2Gigant x 500 Server has to offer more than you can imagine, starting from 100% online status to unbelievable modifications and protections. Join us if you are looking for a serious server w. See you in the game Server Info NO CUSTOM ITEM ! VOTE REWORD SYSTEM Grand Boss ON ! Enchant Max Weapons: +16 Enchant Max Armor: +20 Enchant Safe: +3 Normal Enchant Scroll Rates: 40% Bessed Enchant Scroll Rates: 60% CrystalEnchant Scroll Rates: 80% Features Vote System Reward 4 Farm Zones(.farm1 , .farm2 , .pvp1 , .pvp2 , 1 Safe ) Weekly Olympiad Weekly Siege Anti DDoS No Bugs 99.9% Uptime Basic things No Custom Items. Fully working skills. Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege. Balanced Classes. Augmentation full working(active+passive+chance). Subclass without quest. Auto Learn Skills. Full Working Wedding Geodata, fully working. Champion system. Additional info Safe Farm Zone and PvP Zones. Npc buffer Scheme (3h buff time) 100 Buff slots. Class Master. Village Master. Clan Manager. Max Subclasses: 5 Top Life Stone Chance: 25% Noblesse Npc. Grand Olympiad Olympiad System: Weekly - Retail Olympiad. Olympiad Heroes: Every Sunday 23:59 Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00 Validation period 12h Useful Server commands .menu ? Server Menu. .info .tvt .ctf .dm. .stats .farm1 .farm2 .pvp1 .pvp2
  10. Hi all , i whant to by srv pack file whit tvt , ctf , vote reword , buffer contact skype --- > demonuyo11 Prefer l2acis no l2jfrozen
  11. Hi ,i whant to ask how can i fix restriction wepon , can you help me everyone ??? pack server l2jfrozen interlude Thank you !
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