Server's population majority right now is Greek although i have met few Polish and Czech looking for clan and even met one who was about to create one international clan. He also said he was going to advertise the server on various polish L2 pl sites to get more famous.
The server is the continue of the previous BnB core server which used to have a great community and lots of ppl got nice memories playing there. Lots of them had already joined.
About the donations, i do not think people want to spend time doing 1st and 2nd change class quest. the game exists for 10 years now its kinda boring doing these anymore. The 3rd class and subs are donatable although you wont get the rewards from the quests if you donate them which is a big disadvantage so many people prefer to just do them. The rest of donations are just few vitality pots, buff scrolls, agathions,head accessories and the premium account which for 7euro per month you get 50%more exp/sp and autopick up.
The server right now at peak time has about 1300+ clients online. however, one amount of them are bot. Yes, botting at the moment is allowed. According to the gm the antibot had to go offline to set the ddos protection instead to avoid any attacks. Although, soon they will apply client limit because the server has already heavy traffic.
The server is running for one week now and everywhere there is action. Some clans have already wars pvping at 60slvl.
Here i have to say the GM is really friendly and helpful with the will to help and fix whatever is wrong, atleast from my experience.