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About lyon

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  1. Tank lvl 61 with gear pm here
  2. Selling BP lvl 83 Bw set+6 Soes/Demon staff Virgo/ TOI 4 600kk 40 COL 70 Euro ALL PM Here To Avoid Spam
  3. Selling bishop on l2 Mars lvl 80 bw light +6 virgo+6 toi4 pendant+8 broch 4 saphire 3 and lots off other thing Pm here thx
  4. up only trusted ppl
  5. WTS ADENA EU NA Chronos 9 euro 1kkk pm lyon_boy4you skype or here thx feoh soultaker/titan 99-70euro iss enchanter 99-50 euro
  6. Seling 10kkk adena 0.9 EURO each 1kkk here or skype lyon_boy4you
  7. GK FULL -Vesper noble light set 6/6/6/4/4+lvl 4+ atri -Vesper fist+4 300 fire -Zaken Cloack -Vorpal Jwls +Extra Chars if needed for instance Here or skype Lyon_boy4you fror price thx
  8. WTS ArchMage 81 lvl +nobles Imperial staff 150/A juve/dc set 700 bit/10kk adena/ for more info here or skype lyon_boy4you
  9. seling adena on dex pm here or skype lyon_boy4you thx 1.9 eur/1kk
  10. seling hawkeye lvl 46 on dex Insolance 4x with PL set D/C jwls +3 akat bow for more info pm here thx
  11. Soultaker 85 all sub skils +nobles Noble vesper set 120 atribute vesper caster +5+acumen+fundation vorpal/freya jwls For more info lyon_boy4you or here
  12. As title say wts necro 85 full subs/nobles vesper noble set 120/vesper wep+acum 300+some adena+vorpal jwls/freya nek for more info skype lyon_boy4you or here
  13. very trustefull and fast ++
  14. wts gladi 84/75/68 vesper set+3 vesper dual +150+4 vorpal jwls +some vesper heavey/light/robe moirai items aswell +120kk in stok +some extra vorpal jwls skype lyon_boy4you
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