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About gothakos

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  1. are you insterted in trading this account??
  2. WTT WoW account(cataclysm) contains Horde Server Sylvanas : Mage (85lvl) Druid(85lvl) Warlock(80lvl) Paladin (81lvl) Warrior(80lvl) Hunter (64lvl) Rogue (60lvl) and in Chrommagus one priest (85lvl horde) and one death knight (80 lvl alliance) i trade this account for an account in Aion prefer Nexus server pm here for srsly offers only.thanks for your time
  3. Hi guys there is a remake like l2 gold-->l2gold.eu do you know any new exploit for this server??
  4. Hi guys i want to ask you if you know any 3.11 private server i cant find nowhere.some help??thanks for your time
  5. Anyone knows servers with custom weapons armors items etc..... ???
  6. Tell us your opinion about who is the best char in olympiad
  7. Ρε παιδια ελεος τι μαλακια εκανε ο gold ειχα φτιαξει χαρακτηρα τον εκανα Noblesse και εκανε rollback 2 εβδομαδες πισω.Ελεος δηλαδη. Gold Sucks
  8. Λοιπον γεια σας έχω items στον gold και θελω να τα κάνω trade για items στον pride add me on msn gothakos@hotmail.com
  9. Γεια σας θέλω να μου πείτε custom servers πως ήταν ο l2-engage o l2-pride τέτοια πράγματα.... :D
  10. Λοιπον εγώ έφτιαξα spoiler+titan+paladin+shilien knight+bishop+prophet Τον prophet τον εφτιαξα για olympiad;) Τιγκα στο stun o char έχει:shield bash,shield slam,shield stun,hammer crush,armor crush...
  11. Λοιπόν παίζω σε έναν server που μπορείς να "stuckares" εως 5 sub ποια θεωρήτε είναι τα καλύτερα?? ???
  12. Geia sas.Loipon epeza palia ston engaged p htan custom srv ola kai htan teleios ekane omos wipe kai egine moufa twra.Loipon 8elw opios 3erei na kanei post srvs custom me custom weps armors farms ola ta panta.efxaristw.perimenw ta posts sas ;)
  13. Geia sas.Exw poly kala items ston pvp-x opos apella,wep+16+sa kai alla kai 8elw na ta kanw trade gia items ston gold opios 8elei as m pei edw aliws sto msn m gothakos@hotmail.com
  14. Hi i am playing in l2-pvpx and i have many good items like apellas sets wep +16 and more and i want to trade them for good items in l2Pride anyone who want to make the trade add me in msn gothakos@hotmail.com i will be waiting ::)
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