Lol thing is u could do this in this server as well. Didn t check about ss in specific but ive made about 500kk by selling a grade weapons. and i could of made 100 times this ammount but i was bored to. Also the reason i said it was a pack is because in the last 3 gold-like serves i joined there was this same bug where party xp would be insanly high. Also my point stands, all these bugs could be prevented by a single day of beta testing.
Honestly the server is not worth playing on. Low population, and fulled with bugs.
The worst part is that such bugs could be tested and removed from the server with a beta server.
Its quite obvious that the admins/developers, got a L2gold pack worked on some extra things and open the server without testing anything.
Subs have been replaced by rebirths and the buffs last the retail time so AIOs wont actually help. I mean who would buy an AIO to give him dances/songs for 2 mins?
Also as he said the buffers are boosted, u will see alot of active BDs' and SWSs' ect. Moreover he mentioned that dual boxes will not be allowed out of towns.