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Everything posted by EverybodyLies

  1. Hello guys, if you are a net café owner or a guy familiar with smartlaunch please let me know. I have some questions regarding alternative game executions. Thanks in advance
  2. The new mobile phone OS by Mozilla is here! With an amazing design and ultra smooth layout is definitely one of the new most wanted mobile phone operating systems. Although it lacks some of android features but its still an amazing choice for every phone lover. Design: AMAZING, Speed: Beyond limits firefox OS is an OS that you should try out! Although we still need an ARMv6 script to port the OS to some of our devices. I made a poll to see how many of you already tried it or how many want to try it. If anyone is up to android development can drop me a pm and we can start working on an ARMv6 script which it will allow us to port it to some other devices Those are some devices that Firefox is already working:
  3. I think its limited to 30FPS so yea its pretty low
  4. there are many ways to do that: 1st and less expensive) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ms.screencast 2nd) connect your phone to your tv with an HDMI cable and set your DVD writer (the box connected with the tv) to record signals from the HDMI input. 3rd and the most expensive ) a PCI HDMI recorder (those are pretty expensive so consider one of the other choices I hope this helped
  5. Hello, this guide will help you flash a custom ROM on your android phone. Keep in mind that i do not have responsibility for bricked or broken phones. Lets begin Requirements: - An android phone - A custom ROM (you can get one at the xda-developers.com under your phone section) - A custom recovery manager - A usable brain Step 1: Connect your phone to your computer and transfer the custom ROM and recovery to the root of your sd-card Step 2: Power off your phone and boot in recovery (the button combination differs from phone to phone but most likely it will be the home button+power button but just to be sure check google) Step 3: Wipe cache. Then wipe Data/Factory and Dalvik-Cache (you can find them under the advanced category of your recovery in most phones) Step 4: After wipe is finished. Find the " Install zip from SD-card option. (the option may differ from phone to phone). Click it Step 5: **Do this if your phone has no custom recovery yet. Otherwise proceed directly to step 6 ** Locate the recovery manager .zip file and install it. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation. After installation is finish restart the phone to recovery manager again. Step 6: Locate the custom ROM's .zip file and install it (make sure that the ROM is designed for your phone otherwise errors may arise). Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation. Restart the phone. You should see a custom bootloader and the custom ROM available. Good job! If you have any questions feel free to pm me and i can guide you through it! Photos will be added later alongside with a video with instructions to both Greek and English languages. Have fun flashing your phone and please follow the steps one by one to prevent your phone from being bricked.
  6. the application is called droidsheep and its based on ARPSpoofing method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARP_spoofing). Although arpspoofing is prohibited in certain countries so use wisely
  7. you wont be able to install a new language on a stock ROM. you can flash your device with a custom rom which already has greek language support or just translate one. I can guide you through both. Although have in mind that flashing custom ROM's on a mobile phone is risky and might brick your phone. its extremely unlikely but still a chance. here is a CM10.1 ROM for prada 3. Go through the replies it should be bugless http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2092937
  8. certifications are disabled so subclasses wont be necessary just make a new char. old school buffs wont be used which renders judicator pretty much useless. thats why:D everything has a logical explanation
  9. He is probably talking about the complete removal of the attribute SYSTEM not just the stones. probably he will remove the attr enchant skill trees or removing the effects that they give so enchanting to any specific attribute will just enchant the skill effect
  10. Do you have any special thoughts about the olympiad? The only thing i saw its just special restrictions to enter. What i mean is that, is the olympiad gona be the retail like olympiad we already know, or a custom amazing one just like the other server features?
  11. I know i am new here but i want to make a suggestion, the united as we stand skill it will be nice if it's casted auto on the party member with the lowest hp or the party member which his hp is reducing with the higher rate. I dont mean to correct anyone. I saw plenty of your posts Elfo and i must say that i am impressed. Keep up the good work and i really wish that your server and everything else you are up to will have great success:) Regards
  12. sto diadiktio den mporeis na svisis ta ixnei sou. apla na ta krypseis ipervolika kala. Etsi doulevei to sistima.
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