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About eventdalton

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Thank you bro, you are really helpfull... <3 :D you open the server in my Pc, and you didnt ask for money, i am glad to see this kind of ppls, thank's again... :)
  2. [gr] Se esteila pm aderfe, efxaristw polu :D [/gr]
  3. Hey guys, i am about to try to open a server, i am looking for any pack ( I dont have knowledge about packs and openings, only about "GM-Admin") I can't pay money to buy one, so i decide to ask if some one of you can share with me a pack, and help me a bit to open it in my Pc, i know that the most ppls will be flame and blame me, but i dont really have money to pay for a pack, and for a good person with knowledge that he will help me to open the server.... Is some one interested? Please!.... Ps: i am in greece and psc are closed. (the 1st reason) Ps(1): I am without job, w/o money I am waiting for an answer guys thanks
  4. Server adrr/http : http://www.theendoflineage.com/ Features Server Rates XP: x1000 | SP: x1000 | Party XP/SP: x2 | Adena: x10 | Drop: x1 Enchant Rates Enchant Max: +25 | Safe: +4 | Normal: 66.6%| Bessed: 77.7% Grand Olympiad Olympiad System: Retail Olympiad. Olympiad start 18:00 and end 00:00 Heroes every Week Additional info Npc buffer (2h buff time) 24 Buff slots. Class Master. Village Master. Clan Manager. Max Subclasses: 3 Top Life Stone Chance: 40% Useful Server commands .aioitem (Premium Account) .online .repair .ccp .changepassword .premium .zone/.enter/.leave (for pvp zone) .votepanel .divorce/.engage/.gotolove Playing on Lineage II TheEND isn't a right, is a privilege :troll:
  5. This is custom server ? I mean with my Requestion's ? :p
  6. Hi, I am looking a custom item's Server freya or h5 xp x5000 or lower.... i dont have prob.. 1.goin up to 85 lvl - 90 or more... (Like l2 mars) 2. Have Custom Armors+Weapon set's (and up to +16 make the vitallity efect) 3. Have good farm zone's and good farm items not (ex 1adena for 1 part.) 4.Have in 3 specific classes's those skills (Maestro/fortune Frenzy/zealot/gut's) And in Bd Blade Rush. 5. If you can add Raidboss weapons ( i mean custom) and dont make the top armor (elegia) 6. Pvp color system/ Killing spree system / And pvp title system. If i find this server i will bring with me 70+ ppls and we will propably donate
  7. Kalhspera pedia... ekana afto to topic dioti den mporw na vrw gracia final pack:/ thelw 1 pack full me source. opios exi h ftiaxni as m stili mnm h add sto skype eventdalton. na milisoume... ty
  8. I want some one post me or told me where can i find a gracia pack. with source ;D ty
  9. euxaristw :D ginete na dwsw psc? h mono paypal?
  10. pedia mipws gnorizete kati se pio f8ino guro sta 40-50 euro? as einai kai xamilo... apla.. thelw na anevasw tn server m edw (kai fovame gt m eipan oti exete polous p kanoun attack) h kapios Op na m eggih8ei oti tha to kani over 50 post... ty. an ton anevasw
  11. exw freya pack... :P kai oxi den exw source kai o dev m einai off.. :/
  12. Kalhspera pedia... na sas rwrtisw kati pws mporw na valw ston server mou color name p.x : sta 100pvp mob name sta 200 kitrino kai etc.. (sorry an exi 3ana gini post alla den to vrika epsa3a) pios mpori na m pei? h na m di3i an xreiazomai kapio programma.. se freya pack
  13. kalispera file m.. koita3e to far m zone einai polu aplo apla kane spawn ta mob p thelis pata //spawn gremlin px...kai shift k panw t jau ftiakase sto edit.ta stats kai droplist ta drop... oso gia to aboigma tou server ti enwhs ports h login k game server console??
  14. this armor dont have halemet ;S can you fix it?
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