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Posts posted by Invis™

  1. Just take a look at my trade count if you feel that I am not a trusted member. I won't destroy my profile here for some pennys.

    Although I am here since 2007 (3 years before you) so everybody knows me and can say his opinion. I never scammed anyone around, so I am sorry but you're speaking with no facts.

    Like you did and bitching for my skype name? (matew8076)


    Idc about your sale but you dont have my permission to trashtalk for me ,you dont even know me.

    Also about more than +1 trade count,blame Maxtor for it cuz he doesnt it update at all.

  2. Dear Admin,


    I want to tell you that you have done an AWSOME job on this forum.I am user and fun of your and team job and i get inform  daily in this site..


    I ld like to tell you something dat i didn't like.After my vacation i saw that i have -1 karma so i asked the guys at report section to tell me the reason i had this karma.


    I accept my mistake and i am sorry if sometimes i am too lame to write on post  something  different instead of good job, awsome share etc I accept to be punish for this reason, and if it is possible to be informed first.


    My problem is that. After of one year in the forum your moderator Zake,Punish me without any warning and the reason was that i am "bot spammer" It is really offensive for me. After of one year on forum without any ilegal activity against the forum and 100 post to call me spam bot. I don't like it.


    He fixed my karma but i think he shouldn't call me bot  spammer and to punish me without any warning.



    I appreciate if you watch my post and read it admin.


    Thank you,


  3. ΄Το είχε γράψει στο lineage 2 general discussion

    Και εσύ το έκανες move στο spam ενώ δεν μπορεί να το δει καν? Γενικά κακός moderator.  :happyforever:
  4. Όχι η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν νοιάζεσαι

    Και φυσικά δεν νοιάζομαι,αλλά έχει πλάκα να μου το λες εσύ αυτό που μέχρι και τα αρχίδια τους έγλυψες για Mod.
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