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About Zaranox

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  1. download link is bronken. any chance to get the files? please ;D
  2. hi all from maxcheaters, i'm looking for h5 nude textures. i found some posts here, but their download links are broken. and i want to know how to add the textures to an armor. for example: a player put on a custom armor and get the nude textures. i need help for client side (armorgrp.dat?). at server it could looks like this: <item id="xxxxx" type="Armor" name="Nude armor"> <set name="default_action" val="equip" /> <set name="armor_type" val="heavy" /> <set name="bodypart" val="alldress" /> <set name="immediate_effect" val="1" /> <set name="material" val="cloth" /> <set name="weight" val="100" /> <set name="price" val="50000" /> </item> thanks :good sir:
  3. Ok. Now i know how it works. I added a 2nd language successfully and now i am able to choose the language at the options ingame. Last probleme: How can i change the text "English" or "Japanese" (they are displayed at the option menu where i can change the language) to an other one? I don't find them in sysstring-x.dat Please help me with the last step! (: //Edit: I solved it! Any questions? PM me.
  4. With the help of google you can find some russian sites where they explain it, but i can't understand/translate it :poker face:
  5. //Edit: i found this in core.int, but i'm not sure if it is needed or what to do ._. Sorry for double post. i hit the wrong button and can't delete o.o it's not my day.
  6. Hello guys from mxc. i saw an server where they added a second language at client side. for example they had "itemname-e.dat" AND "itemname-x.dat" (x = other language like -de or -rus). so the players could choose ingame at the option menu what language they want to use (-e, or -de, or -rus, ...). i know it is working, but does anyone know how to add this with H5 client? i did not find anything in system folder or maybe i'm just to --> :rage: i hope someone can help me :poker face:
  7. I already solved it.
  8. Heya, how can i rename the tabs from the community board? like "favorites" to something else. :troll:
  9. i only want to have the boss raid info (boss.htm) at the favorite tab. what do i have to change? :poker face: i use latest l2j h5 :good sir: i tried for several hours ._. :o
  10. how to get top s or higher items?
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