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Everything posted by XaioXaio

  1. So...do you like the need for speed like this ?after carbon everything is a piece of -_-....
  2. How I'm gonna test it if i shouldn't have players to vote?
  3. So someone tried it at Freya...?
  4. Is this gonna work for freya?xO
  5. Website : www.rg-network.co.cc Powered : By Gameservers.com Server Information's 24/7 NukeTown HeadQuarters : 24/7 NukeTown Domination : 24/7 NukeTown Demolition : Follow US! Enjoy Your Gameplay With The Fastest XP!
  6. exeis dikio t kanw ola ayta p m les esy k ola ginontai sto worckspace oxi sto diko m t server se ayto mporeis n me help ???????//
  7. yto edw m bgazei // Same thing if the Character isn't a Noblesse Blessed L2PlayableInstance else if (this instanceof L2Playable && ((L2Playable)this).isNoblesseBlessed()) { ((L2Playable)this).stopNoblesseBlessing(null); if (((L2Playable)this).getCharmOfLuck()) //remove Lucky Charm if player have Nobless blessing buff ((L2Playable)this).stopCharmOfLuck(null); } else if (!Config.REMOVE_BUFFS_ENABLED) stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); if (this instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance)this).getAgathionId() != 0) ((L2PcInstance)this).setAgathionId(0); calculateRewards(killer);
  8. Mystikos help re file exw off server freya kai to l2 character.java den to exw sto eclips moy iparxi kaneas allos tropos na to kanoymai an den yparxi ftiakse allo ena shar java code na min soy figi to noblees otan tha pethanis na figi mono otan teliosi h ora toy kai ama to ksereis na to kaneis seyxaristo
  9. nai re agori to eida kai mprabo soy gia to topik emena tha me boithisi poli ayto kai signomi kai gia to priksimo tha soy edina +1 karma alla den ksero pos deinete thx
  10. oxi gt pio panw grafeis n mhn kanoumai thn zwh mas dyskoli k oti dn xriazetai t prgm kai mono ayto xriazetai if (!Config.REMOVE_BUFFS_ENABLED) stopAllEffects(); pou t briskw ayto k p t bazw ....
  11. file m dwse msn gia na sou po ...........
  12. na kanoymai ligo tin diadikasia ama soy einai efkolo re file moy
  13. re pedes tha me boithisete ligo me ayto to thema to psakno edw kai kerw ayto to prama to exw dei kai se alla topig alla einai sta aglika egw den kserw katholoy aglika kai an sas einai efkolo na me boithisete ligw giayto to thema tha sas eimoyn poli ebgnomon thx,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  14. really nice server but needs to grow up.let's help out!
  15. www.l2davea.tk
  16. So i can Open An L2j Server On windows server 2008 Stadar edition R2?
  17. Well My Server Pack Doesn't Haves .sh files to start our server on debian 5.0 / Linux. How I will find a way to create .sh or convert it....or something. thnx.
  18. How i Could Upload My Files?How i will add my backup on the mysql?and all that from ssh2?is this possible?
  19. And What Is SSH2,Where i can find it,and how now to connect to my server
  20. So It's a way to Get My L2j Pack And Upload It On Debian 5.0 ,Use My Backups On Sql And all Would Work Fine?
  21. I need A Guide Who Would Show me The Best Way To Install An Lineage 2 Server Into Debian 5.0 Linux. Thank's Xaioxaio
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