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Everything posted by L2Motto22

  1. Hi, i get this error when i try to execute the sql file, SCREEN: http://prntscr.com/1hfqyj any help?
  2. This is the one he wants to edit, i have the same problem, SCREEN: http://prntscr.com/1hdb07
  3. Thanks alot! for the help N1nj4Styl3 , thanks Stewie, and soz about the topic.
  4. it`s just a screenshot.....not a file to download,
  5. Hi, i am trying to execute a sql file, this one, SCREEN : >> http://prntscr.com/1hbazp And it gives me this error, anyone know how to solve it ?SCREEN: > http://prntscr.com/1hbbbg Thanks alot, indeed
  6. .dat soz, i am using fileedit and it gives me this , http://prntscr.com/1h8k2r thanks for your reply
  7. Hey, who can tell me how to edit .bat files? weapongrp, itemname,
  8. i dk, ask this admin, there are 3 areas on the server, one you can enter up to A grade+10, one you can enter with any gear, and one for hardcore party farm, we were pk`ing in the one you can enter full gear, no clue what was in his mind
  9. +1, just think if you reaction was a good one, then post something here, jailing players for making pk`s and pvp`s in FG - FG area where you can come full S grade, - Ruins area where you can go A grade max+10
  10. the reason why Motto left http://tinypic.com/r/2a7u4g7/5 don`t do pk`s in FG otherwise you will be jailed for a 1day even if u pk A S grade only http://tinypic.com/r/351d6hk/5 - A-sS grade ppl http://tinypic.com/r/33e7z9d/5 - Again A-S grade ppl http://tinypic.com/r/15nr5sp/5 - Again see the chat http://tinypic.com/r/n2n47b/5 to know who Motto was in just 17h, from opening, also i will post theese everywhere because ppl have to know
  11. looking for someone to ddos this server, i pay 50E add vyo_motto2000 skype id !
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