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About Kaicen

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  1. So, you're gonna wipe it? What's the reasoning behind this?
  2. How do you know this? Care to share the source on that?
  3. How about stop being a lazy ass and pay attention to the first post?
  4. People have too big signatures. It's annoying.
  5. This without a doubt. This was my favourite the last year I watched Eurovision.
  6. Few years ago played with some friends on a random private server. That didn't last long. Now few weeks ago started searching for a private blizzlike server, but didn't find any that would suit my needs, so ended up buying MoP on their summer sale. So far I'm very happy with my decision. edit: Apparently the last post was on April 30, which means that this section is dead. *sigh* Probably should check the dates from now on.
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