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Everything posted by l2herbal

  1. GameServer_loop.sh --------------------------------- #!/bin/bash err=1 until [ $err == 0 ]; do . ./setenv.sh [ -f log/java0.log.0 ] && mv log/java0.log.0 "log/java/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`_java0.log.0" [ -f log/stdout.log ] && mv log/stdout.log "log/stdout/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`_stdout.log" # For developers mostly (1. line gc logrotate, 2. line parameters for gc logging): # [ -f log/gc.log ] && mv log/gc.log "log/gc/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`_gc.log" # -verbose:gc -Xloggc:log/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution # Alternative startup by NB4L1 # java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmn128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -server com.l2jhellas.gameserver.GameServer > log/stdout.log 2>&1 java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1024m com.l2jhellas.gameserver.GameServer > log/stdout.log 2>&1 err=$? # /etc/init.d/mysql restart sleep 10; done still didn't solve my issues :(
  2. All the above ports are open in the firewall (just checked again on google). It's a dedicated Ubuntu 12.04 server so I don't think the problem is with the routers there in the datacenter.
  3. dear maximilian2 - sorry I bothered you with my 'silly question' but trust me it's not a pleasure banging my head with this problem - I've read EVERYTHING about 9999ping on the net and trust me I'm not unix noob. meanwhile, if anyone is generous enough to help a brother with this 9999 PING, please reply. maximilian, don't bother!
  4. It was something in login.ini...anyway figured it out.. now it creates 2 servers in the client to choose from ...one with traffic light/ one traffic down, both with 9999 ping FACEPALM!!!
  5. Done that, now 2 server appear one that is mine traffic down 9999 ping, the other traffic light 9999 ping. The message in stdout has disappeared but now it shows: Connecting to login on LoginServerThread: Connected on login as Server 3 : Kain What should I do about this 9999 ping?
  6. + tried to delete also from gameserver in database, register again as 1....still the same
  7. Placed the IP's exactly as you mentioned, started again but still ping 9999 traffic down..... did some research in /gameserver/log/stdout: Connecting to login on LoginServerThread: Damn! Registeration Failed: Reason: wrong hexid Figured it has to be registered again, cleaned the last registration, generated a new one, selected 1, copy-pasted in gameserver/config but it still displays Connecting to login on LoginServerThread: Damn! Registeration Failed: Reason: wrong hexied ....... not to mention Traffic Down, ping 9999 I'm going crazy!! :rage:
  8. Placed the IP's exactly as you mentioned, started again but still ping 9999 traffic down..... did some research in /gameserver/log/stdout: Connecting to login on LoginServerThread: Damn! Registeration Failed: Reason: wrong hexid Figured it has to be registered again, cleaned the last registration, generated a new one, selected 1, copy-pasted in gameserver/config but it still displays Connecting to login on LoginServerThread: Damn! Registeration Failed: Reason: wrong hexied ....... not to mention Traffic Down, ping 9999 I'm going crazy!! :rage:
  9. Did that a few hour ago -> opens L2.exe. Read somewhere that it doesn't work on Interlude servers. Thanks for the suggestion anyway! Any more ideas?
  10. Hi guys, A friend of mine asked me to help him with a transfer of L2jHELLAS from Win 7 to Ubuntu Server. Everything is fine but whenever I login I get traffic down and 9999 ping so I cannot login on the actual server. I will copy -paste here some info from the login/gameserver config... perhaps someone could help me with this: loginserver.ini ExternalHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) InternalHostname = LoginserverHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) LoginserverPort = 2106 LoginHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) LoginPort = 9014 gameserver.ini GameserverHostname = 38...... (my public IP) GameserverPort = 7777 ExternalHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) InternalHostname = LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = 38.96...... (my public IP) Tried all sorts of combinations with these IP's ...unfortunately the messge is the same, the needed ports are open in the firewall (tried also with firewall off) - still the same. Please advise! Thanks in advance!
  11. The protocol name from l2.ini is 'unreal' -> replaced also with some numbers found on google -> the game doesn't open anymore.... The OS is Ubuntu 12.04 but couldn;t find a list of compatibilities. Please help? :rage:
  12. Nope, still the same. killed the processes, re-register the game, started lgin + gameserver and the loops, still 9999 ping, traffic down. Are you sure it's not related to the IPs?
  13. Yes, it's online. I had the impression ./startloop and ./startgame calls ./gameserver_loop but anyway tried to execute both loop login and loog gameserver - no errors shown but still ping 9999 traffic down :alone: any place to check?
  14. Hi guys, A friend of mine asked me to help him with a transfer of L2j from Win 7 to Ubuntu Server. Everything is fine but whenever I login I get traffic down and 9999 ping so I cannot login on the actual server. I will copy -paste here some info from the login/gameserver config... perhaps someone could help me with this: loginserver.ini ExternalHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) InternalHostname = LoginserverHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) LoginserverPort = 2106 LoginHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) LoginPort = 9014 gameserver.ini GameserverHostname = 38...... (my public IP) GameserverPort = 7777 ExternalHostname = 38.96...... (my public IP) InternalHostname = LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = 38.96...... (my public IP) Tried all sorts of combinations with these IP's ...unfortunately the messge is the same, the needed ports are open in the firewall (tried also with firewall off) - still the same. Please advise! Thanks in advance!
  15. that's no help at all ... when i open my gm shop's html i can see from what shops he takes his items the problem is that i cant find anywhere these shops they dont have any xml files ...they only appear in navicat in the merchant buylist table and there i cant change the adena thingy... p.s. do ideea how to move it there
  16. can anyone tell me how to make some of the items in my gm shop sell for medals instead of adena?i've looked everywhere i found the shop tables and everything but i can't see any way to change adena with anything else..
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