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Posts posted by SkyLord

  1. that sh1t on the website proves nothing retard. custom items with epics effects, u ve done it already once by sharing them with ur bulgarian "team", u are unreliable. about the online, this is the one il international server that using off files thats why u have it, wait a week and ur forum will flood with bug/fixes messages again and guess what, u and ur unproffessional team are so unskilled to do anything about dat once more.

    Why you are so bad with this words against me ? We are TOP OFF IL SERVER and will be always  ;) Like it or not!

    Find better server and play there kid. Its your choice ;) skilled ppl

  2. I CAN say only fail server i dont more come here admin want only cash from donation and selling epics for euro

    We don't sell epics dude you wring the server. If we sell epics/ items how we have 3300 people online? Stupid hater ;)

    http://l2mid.com/epic - all epics on server!




  3. Features look great yeah, but bot is allowed? 

    If you get caught botting u are banned but you have 2nd chance? Wtf is the 2nd chance? 

    You got to be clear on botting. Bot = allowed (all ppl can bot) or Bot = not allowed (Ban char 1st time. 2nd time ban IP)

    SkyLord be more specific please. 



    2 wipes in less than a year. 2nd time server lasted for 4 months.. 

    What is your guarantee that there is not going to be a further wipe? 


    I see many ppl talking about corruption and immature admin.

    I would like to join your server, so please.. 

    Bot is not allowed! DON'T try to login with bot programs. (Ban after 1 hour by account).
    Second chance is second chance you know exactly what is this...
    The server will be stopped if the online is 10 people. 6 months without wipe and new server... Guarantee 100%
    About corruption we know exactly who talking against us. 
    We growing faster and fast year year. Btw have epic control on websites and 2-3k ppl in our community, and you think we have corrupt?
    (words vs words without prove is completely bullshits for me)
    ps. excuse me for this fast words. write on our forum i don't have time here.
  4. Highly unprofessional staff, I pointed out that one of the users has NSFW avatar/signature and SkyLord hasn't done anything about it, however when I got some gore-ish pic in my signature he deleted it immediately. So basically porn on the forum is ok, but gore is not, because Admin enjoys looking at titties?


    Gaming forum should be absolutely without porn - some people (like me) tends to browse the forums when they're at work and it should widely accepted that erotic pictures are NOT ok for everyone.


    However SkyLord is letting kids having these and that's an incredible sign of unprofessionality - I will NOT play on this server because of it and I do NOT recommend the server.


    /I mean the features look nice, but I don't want to be on a server with admin who does these decisions.

    It's a your decision.

  5. Can you post A Donation List ? or There is no donation??


    And also the will be a Vip which Increase Xp /Sp /adena rate or something??


    I Can Say for sure that Features is very good and i hope your Server will have  Full Success and Lot of Players


    Me and my Clan will be in at 1h November! thats for true! Gratz for your work!

    Donate will be available at start. You can purchase only Lucky Golds Coins.
    Top donate will be noblesse and 50% double rates xp/adena/drop/spoil.
    Thank you we expect more than 2500 players at start.
  6. Again this server :D Maybe You mean that, every 1 month wiped. Also fake online full bots nonfactor LT/Polak clans playing there.

    [gm shop till b grade] :D :D Dude you should change it because your server isn't an russian mid rate server. This Features made my day.

    Is not every month wiped you don't know what you talking. People love to play our server (mid-rate fans)

    And we don't have FAKE ONLINE. You can check at: http://l2online.info/

    Please don't tell that russian server cuz we don't have donate for A,S grade equips like (Nanna x75)


    old servers:


    1. seprember 2013

    25 april 2014

    today : 1 november 2014

  7. your server is good no doubts.

    you just need to improve your behavior..(especially in forum sometimes you was very emokid)and you will win for sure.

    Now i will don't speak on forum too much. People are happy :)

  8. L2Mid Private Server running Interlude Chronicle. Free and Unique in every way. 

    Our team working since 2008 year in constantly on developing the greatest game atmosphere, 

    class balance to offer our players the best Lineage 2 Experience.

    Stable economy, constantly working on achieving the highest level of balance.


    Homepage --> http://l2mid.com





    Grand Opening: 1 November

    Time: 18:00 UTC/GMT +2


    Open Beta Test: 10 Octomber




    - Experience (XP): x25

    - Skill Points (SP): x25

    - Drop (Adena): x12

    - Drop (Items): x12

    - Spoil: x12

    - Seal Stones: x10

    - Drop (Raidboss): x8

    - Drop (GrandBoss): x1

    - Drop (Grandboss Jewelry): x1




    (Quest item drop chance on server 66-100%)


    Drop (Quest Item): x10

    Quest Reward: x2


    Seductive Whispers

    A Game of Cards

    Delicious Top Choice Meat

    Seekers of the Holy Grail

    Guardians of the Holy Grail

    The Zero Hour


    Drop (Quest Item): x10

    Quest Reward: x1


    Legacy of Insolence

    Supplier of Reagents

    The Finest Food

    Relics of the Old Empire

    Gather The Flames

    Exploration of Giants Cave Part 1, 2

    Alliance with the Ketra Orcs

    War with Ketra Orcs

    Alliance with the Varka Silenos

    War with the Varka Silenos

    Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force

    In Search Of Fragments Of The Dimension     




    - Safe Enchant amount: +3

    - Max. Enchant amount: +16

    - Real Chance (for Regular Scrolls): 60%

    - Real Chance (for Blessed Scrolls): 66%




    (Added chaotic pvp zones on all epic bosses)


    85 Level - Valakas: 264 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    85 Level - Frintezza: 48 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    79 Level - Antharas: 192 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Baium: 120 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Sailren: 24 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Zaken: 60 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Core: 60 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Orfen: 48 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    80 Level - Queen Ant: 20 hours / Random + - 1 hour


    80 Level - Flame of Splendor Barakiel: 6 hours / Random + - 1 hour

    4 ,5 Level Alliance Bosses, Normal Raid Bosses: 36 hours / Random + - 1 hour




    - 100% L2OFF Platform - Interlude

    - 100% Working all Interlude features

    - Olympiad Period - 7 Days (End of Week)

    - Full working skills, classes (Balanced)

    - All Quests full working (Retail)

    - All zones full working (MOS, Pagan, Stakato, PI)

    - Working Fortresses, Clan Halls and Castles

    - Full working Raid / Grand Bosses

    - Working cursed weapons (With Buff)

    - New Buffer 2 hours buff time

    - Buff slots 20 + 4 (Learn with Divine Inspiration)

    - First class 100k, Second 1kk and Third Class 10kk

    - Sub-class, Nobless questable / buyable

    - Player command .menu

    - Everyday event TvT (Reward: Lucky Silver)

    - 100% Protection Against 3rd softwares

    - Offline Shops Working

    - Autoloot system, Autolearn skills

    - Mana Potion (500MP Delay 3 seconds)

    - Agumentations System

    - Life stone Skill chance: LS-4%, Mid-8%, High-16%, Top-22%

    - Mammon NPCs added to Giran Castle Town

    - GM Shop up to Top B-grade 

    - Materials recipes added to GM Shop

    - Skill: Anti Buff Shield

    - Full Working Geodata


    All bug reports from the old season are fixed.

    Stabile server tested with 2000+ players online.

    This is complete list of features. Server will launch on (1.11.2014)

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