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About mad4it82

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  1. Wts Necro 74 lvl - 80 € (or offer)
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  3. ADENA 0.4 euro = 1kk PM here for info/skype whatever
  4. Scammer,dont trade with him
  5. WTS TH 84 with equip , adena PM me here for skype /discord
  6. Apart the fact that the bug is not real and u spoke about the bug only after weeks and after you banned for no reason some ppl,we dont have conversations saved. We know each other,we know what happened,if u want to deny u can deny till death,it doesnt matter. As i said i cant say nothing about corruption,i can only make suppositions,but i am sure at 100% that you adjusted things when you realized you made a mistake = lie. And i read conversations after which you banned some ppl,this is another mistake too because you made clear that you were covering. But we are sure you will learn from this so we'll try your new server anyway,for sure some of us is disappointed but if you are fast you can take advantage from the actual lack of 2.0 classic servers
  7. Since u say it,this is your lie,i couldnt believe when they told me u invented this. The man you helped was the only one in server having this bug and losing a bow for this,strange,and u took out this "target bug" only after some time and after u banned the people who was telling others about this,and this is strange too,as it is strange that now u say it was a bug but when the thing happened you said to our clan leader to "dont say to other ppl i gave back the bow to him". Weird no? You banned people for not saying anything,just saying what you did,this is not fair,dunno if worste than inventing a bug. Anyway,as i said,learn from your mistakes for future server.
  8. Seems your only answer is "warpgate is from 2012". I dont want to put here your mistakes,i dont care. Im not talking of bots or something like this. I know u were wrong,and probably u know too,i only hope and give u a simply advice of not repeating same mistakes if you will open new server. Just dont accuse ppl i know and i know what happened,you know too,let it go,better for warpgate's image i suppose. Think about future,as i said everybody makes mistakes,if u are not corrupted let's say it was only that,a bad mistake.
  9. I liked your server even if it was a bugland,you worked on it,even if bugs were really too many and server lost too many people because of this. In my last times there people was not enough to play,dv was empty,new zones you opened were empty,probably we have different views of "enough people". For what i said about you,u banned some ppl i know ,i was in same clan with them.1 ban was right,another one was unfair and u did it only to cover what u did before with other players. But i dont wanna say more,i dont care of making a drama,u were wrong acting like this,everybody makes mistakes,u lied in that case,i can only think u lied for being corrupted,but i have no proof on corruption. Only on lieing. Anyway if u will open a free-bug 2.0 classic server u still could save your population,if u really can do it in quite short time.
  10. Played there since beginning,server was really but really full of bugs..strange ones too that can make you think about l2 files.. Anyway,he's working to fix them but now population dropped too much,all main areas are ghost tows. I resisted there but i left as i realized GM is a liar and probably corrupted since there is no reason to lie for nothing. There are not many good and fresh classic servers around (if u know one let me know),so if u really want to play classic join it,but be ready to have your boxes as everyone that is still there do. Since he says he could open 2.0,probably a fresh start of 2.0 classic server would be good since would be the only one i guess,probably also disappointed ppl like me who left would play there if there would be good population as in the beginning. But before he should fix all bugs,so we are sepaking about 2018
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