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About Unborn3D

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. dont forgot our corupt at L2E-GLOBAL
  2. any interlude pvp server is not trusted. and if is you broke with our spam. GL
  3. Good Idea, i like server pvp where need a little bit to farm and after PVP, this dont make ppl boring
  4. server have 300 + Real online players. Oo
  5. i am 100 % sure you like it
  6. nice information. Gl
  7. nice info
  8. sure. but i have 300 + players. and i will try.And now i am compilet about skils / balance and mutch bugs.
  9. come on in this. and test again..
  10. i thing where is the problem about .. i use jfrozen 979 rev full bugs. and now i am ok . i will open with wipe and suport team.
  11. Web: http://l2giants.eu/ Forum: http://www.l2giants.eu/forum/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2Giants Rate Experience: 5000x Skill Points: 5000x Adena Drop: 1000x Item Drop 10x Safe Enchant : +5 Weapon Max Enchant : +16 Armor Max Enchant : +16 Jewels Max Enchant : +16 Normal Scroll - 75% Blessed Scroll - 95% In gm shop with Farm Items Crystal Scroll - 80% Drop from custom RB and in Gm shop with Vote Items Server Features * Auto-Learn Skills * Balanced Classes * Wedding System * Clan Hall System * No Clan Penalty * Castle Siege System * No Weight Penalty * No Grade Penalty * New character start with 500kk adena * Sub-Class Without Quest * Hero System * Duel System * Balanced classes * Max Subclasses 10 * Geodata, fully working * Npc Buffer(1H buff time)50 Buff slots * D.Buff Sheald * No Clan Penalty * PvP Information * PK Information * Top PK Announce Login * Top PVP Announce Login * Hero Announce Login * Raid Boss Announce * Global Chat: 500 PvP * Trade Chat: 100 PvP * PvP Reward: 1 PvP Items * Augmentation System * Max Subclasses = 10 * Max Subclass level = 80 * Max Alliances = 3 * All Noblesse Skills * All Hero Skills * All Augmentation Skills * All Raid Bosses * All flood protections * Fully DDoS Protection * Main Town in Giran * Custom Start Zone - Giran * Retail-Like Enchant Skills System * Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 1 Hour * C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills * Interlude Skills 99% Working * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters * All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations * Unstuck Command 15 seconds * Auto Flag in PvP Zone * Auto Flag in Boss Zone Custom Coins * Event Medals Reward * Farm Coins Reward * Vote Medals Reward * Nobblesse Coin * Hero Coin * Recoments Coin * Clan Coin * Clan Items Extra Edits * Absolute Tattoo - 10% HP * Quake / Killing Spree System Custom Npc's * Custom Buffer * Global Gatekeeper * GM Shop * Class Manager * Weding Manager * Top Players List NPC Info * About Server NPC Info * NPC Vote Reward Manager * Siege Manager * Skill Enchanter * Boss Manager * Custom Augumenter * Siege Manager * Skill Enchanter * Symbol Maker * Clan Manager * Clan Hall Manager * Whare House * Password Manager * Vote Manager Server Custom Command's * .online * .info * .donate * .event * .repair Custom Zones * Custom Farm Zones x5 * Custom PvP Zone x1 * Custom Boss Zone x6 Grand Olympiad * Olympiad System: Every Week * Olympiad start 20:00 and end 20:00 Server Events * TvT Event Every 2 Hours * CTF Event Every 2 Hours Full DDoS Protection
  12. Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 2 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth : Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 30 Euro Price Paypal: 25 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 4 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 45 Euro Price Paypal: 40 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 7 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 60 Euro Price Paypal: 55 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 8 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: Yes Windows: No Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 60 Euro Price Paypal: 55 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 15 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 80 Euro Price Paypal: 75 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 16 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: Yes Windows: No Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 80 Euro Price Paypal: 75 Skype: Qemo3D Hotmail: L2Unborn@Hotmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moglis.morena
  13. Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 2 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth : Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 30 Euro Price Paypal: 25 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 4 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 45 Euro Price Paypal: 40 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 7 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 60 Euro Price Paypal: 55 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 8 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: Yes Windows: No Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 60 Euro Price Paypal: 55 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 15 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: No Windows: Yes Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 80 Euro Price Paypal: 75 __________ Hosting Plan" CPU: Intel CPU's ** Memory: 16 GB DDR3 Hard Disk: 20-30 G Linux: Yes Windows: No Network Port: 100Mbits Bandwidth: Until 100Mbits Price Paysafe: 80 Euro Price Paypal: 75 Skype: Qemo3D Hotmail: L2Unborn@Hotmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moglis.morena
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