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Everything posted by Xacsa

  1. Salut, nu am si nu folosesc skipe. Lasa-mi o adresa de yahoo messenger.
  2. I have 6kkk adena for sell on Dex. I know you make this topic "Only trusted members" but i just make my account here today and i try sell some adena and items on dex. Dont know, if you are interest we can try talk. I dont have skipe, but i can use yahoo messenger.
  3. Read again my replay. I say only cos antharas value is 10kkk on dex and i can sell you 5kkk adena. If i have antharas for sell, you say in your topic cos you offer 220 EURO for it. Is that hard? I can help you whit half of money and that its all.
  4. On dex, you can buy antharas for 10 bil adena. I can sell you 5 bil adena for 100 Euro if you want.
  5. Wts adena 2.5 euro/100 mil. I got 6241 mil. PM me here or mail me at corina.corina1@aol.com.
  6. WTS adena - 2 Euro / 100 mil I got 8200 mil 13 Legendary dye(lvl5) +STR - 2 euro each Blessed Specter dual Dagger - 20 Euro
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