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Posts posted by Swan

  1. Thank you very much. Well some players will play for the Battleship, some others for the class rework or the sieges but

    my point is to keep them inside the server by the overall gameplay. Hopefully you will like it too.



    Sometimes I wonder why skillful developers like you don't just create a more "ordinary" server.

    Balance won't be an issue for you.

    I can imagine how popular a normal H5 server would be, providing also those kind of sieges and Battleship war..

    Too customed servers with new skills etc decline a lot from L2 as a game..It's as if you create a brand new game.

    Please don't get me wrong. I totally respect this work and the time you've dedicated to make this one come true, but still...

    I would prefer to have a person like you as Admin in any server  :P

  2. Glad to see you changing it into H5 and not Interlude.

    Thus, I am not fond of too customed servers and tbh I have been so disappointed by every H5 I have played so far.

    I love your idea about battleships AND Sieges ! Unique ! I will join for sure just to see it with my eyes !  ;D

    Good luck to your project/server.



  3. Well to be honest we dont notice any lagg... you can see ingame no one reallycomplains about it! 30% as you told is farming.. soo

    I said: 60 online and 30 of them afk in Giran.

    About lag, I don't know what to say.. I had had a lot of lag for such low community.


    Anyway, all the best to this server. It is well structured, but low populated  :(

  4. At your FB page you have written more details, for example:

    -buff slot 34 with divine inspiration.

    -wards return on their base every 2 weeks ( Why is that if T/W is every week? Better return them every week or not at all, imo)

    -PvP sets/weapons can be traded/enchanted/augmented


    I like the fact that your server's currency is aparted by adena,GB,pvp coins.

    (In every server I had played I didn't know what to do with so many adena on me. It was a kinda useless item.)


    Site/Forum when??


  5. wow ... too customed server !

    max lvl 90 ? +300 new skills to characters and monsters?

    For sure you have dedicated a lot of time for such a creation and gz to you.

    On the other hand, I am not sure if such a server will attract the number of people you expect to get online.

    Personally, I like custom servers ..not too customed ones.

    In any case, GL to your project.

  6. {edited}


    i wanted to donate and admin took the money and he didnt give me the items......

    also he banned me from server.......and he ask to give him more 10 euros to unbann me....

    go to hell facking retards.....burn in hell...stupidness costs 50 euros..... i learned a lesson....



    admin you took 50 euros.....you will loose more in the near future....


    there is an upper willing....dont forget this.....


    this is the proof ___>




    Holy sh1t  :LOL:

  7. Server needs good advertisement, Server needs more people, It is beter then any Hi5 out their!

    Believe me come and try it out!


    Like I said, I did that already.

    60 people online, 30 of them afk in Giran.

    I have huge lags IG, as if this is a homemade server.


    I also read this:


    which I didn't like at all.


    Imo, server is "too old" for someone to join.

    No matter how much you keep on advertising it, it won't help it.


    Have you considered of a wipe and a fresh start ?

    This time without so many custom things like GoD armors (which I don't mind, but for some others it's a reason they don't join)

    or masks with "extra skills".


    Also do something with the lag.. 60 ppl on and it lags like hell in Giran. I also went to a farming spot- It was laggy there too.


  8. I'll give it a try.


    EDIT :


    I did and out of 61 online , 30+ ppl afk in Giran.

    Seems a well-structured server , but unfortunately too laggy for me.

    One castle (Rune) owns all wards.. I lold when I saw that..sorry !

    Seems a dead server and it is too bad.


    GL on those who play (/ will play ) there.


  9. L2Tenkai is a 4-years old fork based on a very old version of L2j. It's not fair to tag it as just [l2j]


    I can have no opinion about GoD client since I haven't played at it yet, but I do have an opinion about Pere.

    He is -IMO- the best dev I have ever met in L2 servers.

    I used to play on L2TnS and I would be still playing there if he hadn't chosen to "upgrade" it into GoD.

    If you are looking for an experienced dev team working non-stop on a server, then this server is the one you should join without any doubt.


  10. Im saying its autoflag, 2 blank zones w/o walls, 3-4 spawn near  each others so that tells everthing.

    Just 1 clan/ally dickholding whole zone and zerking everyone at spawn. + endless circle running  to chase archers/tricksters.


    Which clan is that? StarK ? PinkPajamas? HotGates? HollyGuards?EmpiresUnited?

    I can name a dozen which pvp daily there.

    Join a clan or stop QQ 24/7.

  11. Take a look @ my signature and you will understand why i'm with that mind of spanishes...


    Just because you have met some stupid Spanish, that doesn't mean that every single one is stupid !

    Same applies for all nationalities.


    Now, stop spamming in this topic nonsense just to increase your post count , please.


    Everytime I check mxc's forum Stewie and SunBeam have opinion for everyone or every server.


    You have made yourselves clear that you don't like it as a server. Do us the favor to join another server and keep your thoughts for yourselves. Thank you !


    Omfg how can someone support a server like this?

    I tried it like 2nd time with the hope something changed...

    But still same... sux sux sux x3 sux.


    Sux on what? It's the 1st time I see you posting something without justifying your thoughts.

    At least this server opened ... How about your L2Trojan ?  It didn't even last 2 weeks online and it failed several times on its opening :dat:



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