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Posts posted by Le9end

  1. Etiam was on TS with us and he said that GM give him last 10pts, so stop talk bullshit, u dont know nothing

    I don't know where was Etiam but I understand Russian language and also I can read at English and Etiam shout 5 times at global chat that gm give points to micutzu.why he should do that if gm give him points to be hero?

  2. if you rly think there are 3k online you should kys

    500 max

    I'm not defending any1 but it's more than 500,log by yourself and check it if you want,all areas is full of people,even catacombs 20-30 have many people,from the other side I log at tales yesterday, I liked the server but,server is empty,sad but true.as history shows us,people don't care if the project is good or corrupted or bugged,the only thing that matter is the online number and Era won this time

  3. Javeria sucks no offence

    Well...we(all l2 players) played a lot of servers in the past that was unbalanced/corrupted etc but we are still here and hope for something decent(at 2017 lol).i remember when I meet you for the 1st time with my dagger at oly with my +8 vorpal set and I received 6k (without FS) from you.I didn't say that averia is the perfect server but at least this time without customs staffs maybe it will be better and we can have some fun

  4. With or without girls doesn't matter,they have good online and there is a lot of fun(at least from the start of server)and now without this customs sh.ts it will be awesome.Good luck and cya in game

  5. Another botland...noone really plays l2 anymore...It's not even a game anymore.There's no fun in it...ask most old schoolers.They just log on new servers pk ppl for 2-3 days and leave the server along with the 40 adena bot sellers to sell adena to each other :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:



    You're wrong,L2 is a perfect game and there is still a lot of fun.The only problem is the EU community,they definitely kill that game at Europe

  6. Black Desert & Blade and Soul NA/EU will be the top 2 new MMO's at the end of 2015 and start of 2016.

    1k ppl  = 1k opinions, for me personally

    1st place = Bless

    2nd place = Blade & Soul

    3rd place = Black Desert

    Did you see trailer of L2 10 years ago? Well if u did then u should know that every trailer is overedited...

    ofc i did,that's why i still play L2 :)

  7. i have some questions:

    1 -what is the better enchant on h5-freya for skills on a server where u can get +30 easy, duel o att?

    2- some ATT recomended for weapon, set go to 180 ATT and weapon to 450.

    3- what is better on apocalypse duals SA, DMG UP+ haste, haste+health, health + dmg up? ( this server have twilight set too.) this are my duals now but idk if i should change for other's SA http://puu.sh/l5qL6.jpg 

     one of the best if not the best guide about duelist at H5.


     Created by MuerteLegend   --->   http://www.duelist.falconhq.eu/

  8. server is rly empty im here 80+ and only what see on zones are monsters :P in goddard few ppl 5-10. hunter same rune same ;]  i made new box for buff and cant find 1 pt for kama... dont think this server will be for long ;]

    it is many things but for sure it's not empty :)

  9. yah real 2,5k and at siege was max 2 pt vs 2 pts


    and taleski with 500 real got siege 150 vs 150 vs 150, please bella... 

    maybe their last projects was not with 3k real online but i remember few years ago L2 World was the most populated server with big online and very good/funny/enjoyable moments which at least i remember very well


    Another reason why servers don't last because community don't want to make them last, if 1 guy lose hero they quit. if 1 clan lose castle they quit

    and people have guts to ask me why i left mid rates ._.

    L2 eu server will die soon for community fault, some years ago server was lasting years lol

    i personally started on l2 world after 1 and half that was opened and the server lasted 1 year and 2 month more for a total of almost 3 years without any wipe

    3k real online, something that now is real impossible since after 2 months any server will be closed in your face




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