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Status Updates posted by Devlin

  1. L2Elcardia beta phase & grand opening! Website is online http://l2elcardia.us

  2. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: er9y0l.jpg VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics). -----------------------------------

    1. Dante44®
    2. Codec


      Thank you for the info.

    3. Dante44®


      Np and dont Forget!!!

      NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. You have just to press the following button: er9y0l.jpg VIPs & Donators can bump 3 topics per day. Members can bump 1 topic per day. Note: All BUMP posts (any words like "bump", "up", etc.) are not allowed anymore and they will be DELETED(To avoid post hunting through this kind of topics). -------------------------...

  3. My new server is coming this spring. I will give my best shot, stay tuned.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakretsos


      GL With your sever mate ;)

    3. Devlin


      This guy Nicolas talks. Over 15 servers.


      Kidding. Thanks John!

    4. Devlin


      Brand-new features are on the way, get ready.

  4. L2Elements... is on the way.

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