wtf, 1sec, i recheck it,(hope my pc is not infected ..)
Verified, but plz, send me your virus scan result, so I can check the infected file.
The alert was from inside.dll , I'll download other hLaPEx versions, and see if I get the same alert,
All hLaPEx Versions have the same problem, I wont upload any system folder
why 500? just tell me what's about, maybe I can help ^^
I tried it with Magic haste pots, works good, and they are high price (3k if i remember well)
Ok, As I promised I just uploaded my system folder with a working hLaPEx, remember to use L2.exe to launch the game
To be faster , here is a trick that I found
1-Buy 1dye (the highest priced)
2-start buying 700, when you get the confirmation window with "NO HTML" on it, buy an other 700 and so on
3-when you have bough alot, (in your inv you'll have only 1) delete the one item you have
4-you'll have like thousends of the items
5-start selling 999 by 999
made 400kk in a rly short time ^^
Ok, guys, I joined DN, and I found out how to make it works: [to get this l2.ini, just launch your loader, when the game loads a new l2.ini is created, copy it into an other folder, close the game, and replace the old l2.ini] [got it from an other web site]
Use L2.exe to play
LOL, but you dont understand what I said? Take a look at DNet forum, a huge orgie is there about the exploit, it was (probably solved) but it should work on other C4+ servers :)
the most recent information is about a Program/Script, and the only script related program is Hlapex (or the packethack), so maybe a new hlapex script works at DNet
the other pic
On dragon-network they are claiming that there is a bug and that some guys are exploitting it to get huge amounts of adena, and it's related with the dye shop of giran
As you can see 17k of the dyes on the floor it's rly a huge amount of adena....
They says that the bug is in the C4 off
Does some one knows anything about it? And how does it work?