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Everything posted by jowjon

  1. 65 € lvl99 GS /dual 95othel/ +10 skills /desire talisman/ STR +15
  2. yul 99 GS , dual othel lvl95 , skils +10 , talisman desire. PM
  3. Server core, Ghost shentinel, dual Othel rogue, not gear, not adena, and not another char on the account. add me if you want to skype: jowjon
  4. 65€ paypal payment
  5. 100€ i want sell it now! go!
  6. how much for rulers belt ?
  7. Add me on skype. And i will tell all information that you want. It is not a problem. :)
  8. GOGO add me your offert
  9. 155€ not negotiable.
  10. Can you offert me if you want too. Add me in skype : jowjon
  11. WTS YUL 99 DUAL 95 Desire talisman Skills +10 STR +15 add me on skype: jowjon
  12. WTS YUL 99 DUAL 95 Desire talisman Skills +10 STR +15 add me on skype: jowjon
  13. talisman desire (blue) skills +10 STR +15 and a few things more pm if you are interested and we will speak on skype.
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